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A/N: Please let me know if you think any other trigger warnings should be added!


Darryl's POV


"Hey, Zak?" I mumbled nervously into my microphone. I had checked all of Skeppy's eight million accounts to see if he was streaming and triple checked with him a few times to see if he was recording or not. "I-I have something really important to tell you."

"What is it?" I couldn't back out now. I could feel myself trembling as I spit out my next words.

"I-I really like you," I whispered, tears coming to my eyes as I braced myself for his response.

"I like you too," he told me, completely oblivious to the message's true meaning "you're my best friend, after all!" 

"I-I like you more than that, though," I stumbled over my words "I love you, Zak." For a minute or two, all I could hear was silence. It felt like forever until he finally responded.

"I-I'm so sorry, Darryl," Zak took a sharp breath as he spoke, clearly distressed about the situation we were in "I have a girlfriend, her name's Amanda." 


Zak's POV


Rejecting Darryl felt like the worst mistake I had ever made.

And I did it all because of Amanda. A woman who I, honestly, hold no attraction towards. In the beginning, she acted nice to me, but that definitely wasn't what made me stay.

I tried to tell her I didn't like her in that way, but she just kept insisting we stay together. And as time passed, the threats she gave out became more serious...

And as you can tell, I'm trapped. And if I move even an inch from her grasp she'll take everything I have.

Including my life.


Darryl's POV

A few weeks later


It took courage for me to make a video with Skeppy, after what happened.

We were doing parkour courses together to practice for the next Minecraft Monday. And surprisingly, I was actually doing better than he was!

"Ha, beat you again, Skeppy!"


Zak's POV


She's right there next to me. She had listened to Darryl's confession and now she won't keep her eyes off me.

Amanda, that little devil, sitting there on my bed with her knife. Still stained with some of my blood. I couldn't play well while she was there, especially when she had that knife.

"Ha, beat you again Skeppy!" I smiled as I heard my crush's voice.

"I'm so proud of you," I grinned as I complimented him "you truly are the best." Tears dripped down my cheeks. I said each word as if it would be my last. Because with Amanda there, it might as well be.

"Thanks," he giggled "but I'm usually pretty terrible compared to you!" 

"Cutie," I mumbled, earning a warning glare from Amanda. "you're not all that bad, ya know!"

"I-I know," he yelled, startled by my comments "Why did you call me that?!" I couldn't help but smile, even though Amanda was breathing down my neck.

"What would you do if I told you that someone was listening," I whispered into the mic "and that she's holding a-" I yelped as the demon herself drove her knife into my shoulder. That's when I fully realized, she wouldn't kill me right away.

Because I'm her entertainment. She likes to cause me pain.

"Skeppy, Skeppy," he screamed, worried about my lack of speech "are you hurt, is there somebody there!" 

"I care about you so so much," I told him honestly, watching as Amanda took a seat back on my bed. "you mean so much to me, more than you could ever know." 

"Is this a troll?!" Darryl interjected, "Because it's really not nice to play with my feelings like that, Skeppy!"

"If I die soon," I whispered, crying silently as I spoke, "could you please try and be happy for me." A moment of silence passed as Darryl made the realization that I was definitely serious.

"Who's with you," he asked me in a very serious tone of voice "are you home or in some other place?"

"I love you, Darryl," I confessed, "I love you in a romantic way, and I'll be satisfied knowing those will be my last words."


Darryl's POV


I heard Zak scream in pain once again right before I heard a new voice on the call.

"This is Amanda."


Author's Note

This was written at like, two am so it's most likely horrible. I have a feeling it's most likely too fast-paced, and my head hurts so much omg

Imma go try and watch something happy to get my mind off the angsty stuff!

Also, I've been having so much trouble getting through my notifications! And it doesn't help that I haven't had much motivation lately...

So, that's that.


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