
195 13 4

Date Written: August 31st, 2019

A/N: This is partially inspired by a request I got a really long while ago (or at least to me, it feels like that) The request's by @LavenderTheLynx and it's shown in the screenshot above! I ended up changing it up a bit, but I hope u all like it anyways <3

Also, it's a choose ur story type of thing, so be prepared to make a choice! <3 (there's only one so if ur eating while reading don't worry too much)


Right here I have been faced with the most dreadful dilemma in existence.

One of which the creatures of old would have not been able to defeat on their lonesome, those same creatures who burned down cities and tore apart families!

Yes, this is the most dreadful of dilemmas to have ever faced a lowly human such as myself. As I lay on this couch with my beloved under me, arms wrapped around my neck we hear the old tune...


"There's an ice cream truck!" I gasp, taking a glance out the window. But there was one issue with this, my beloved wanted to continue snuggling.

"But Zak," he sighs, "we're so comfortable, can we just stay like this for a few more minutes?" A small part of me agrees with him, we might not be able to get into as comfortable of a position if we came back, if we came back at all. This could be the end of cuddling time for the rest of the day, and neither of us would want that.

I freeze as I am faced with a difficult choice. Now you, the reader, must choose our fates!

You may:

A: Go get ice cream from the ice cream truck


B: Continue snuggling

Choose wisely...



If you didn't choose A, skip this section and move on to the next!


I chose to get up and go to the ice cream truck. While Darryl was a bit bummed that I wasn't willing to continue our snugglefest just yet, he was glad that we could get some tasty treats out of it!

After bought some ice cream from the ice cream man, we decided to walk over to the park, which was pretty close to our house. We sat at one of the park benches and enjoyed the warm summer air, as well as each other's company.

It was a peaceful evening



Skip over this section if you did not choose B!


I decided to give in and continue our snugglefest. 

But soon it escalated into something more...

A few weeks later we discovered that Darryl had become pregnant. Both of our parents were disappointed in us, but as long as we were with each other we could handle anything!

We read all the books, all the manuals, all the things people said we would need for fatherhood. But even though we read a lot, we were still kids. We were not prepared for this responsibility.

But we still wanted to keep it. We both did.

When they were born, we named them Wonder, because they were the most wonderful thing we had laid our eyes on...

As time went on, everybody, including our fans knew about the baby. And we were both determined to raise them how we wished we were. 

So as we both tucked them into their bed one night and told them,

"You can be anything you want to be, my little star." 

we were shocked when they replied

"Okie dadas, I wuv you..." 


Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed this multiple-choice story!


SPOILERS FOR B!!!!!!! (I wish this site had a spoiler thing you could put on the text so that you had to hover over it to see the words)

And btw: I gave their child they/their pronouns so that the kiddo's gender could be up for interpretation! So if you're not used to seeing they used singularly, then there's your explanation. 

Ur safe now!

I hope you all have amazing days <3

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