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Darryl was sitting in his bedroom streaming when he heard a loud noise and the familiar sound of his roommate's feet running towards him. Before he could react his view of his computer was blocked by his roommate, Zak's body. The shorter male was sitting on his lap fidgeting with Darryl's hoodie.

"Darrrrryl," the young boy whines "I have a tummy ache!" Darryl gasps, concern filling him to the brim as he forgets about his stream and the chat which was now spamming things such as "they live together!1!" and "my shippp baby wowzahs!"

All that was in his mind at the moment was Zak's pain. His horrible horrible pain.

"Don't worry Zak," Darryl reassured both his buddy and himself "what can I do to make you feel better." 

"Please lay with me," Zak smiled "it would mean a lot to meeee" the young boy's words were very drawn out as he gasped and squeaked in pain. 

Luckily for viewers and the young couple, the bed was right behind Darryl's desk. So, it was easy for the taller male to bring them both to a laying position on the comfortable surface.

Three hours later, Darryl woke up. Only then did he realize he was streaming.


Authors Note:

Sometimes when ur in pain the best thing to do is to go to sleep! If only I had someone to suffer with...

might make another chapter about a different type of pain and another way of dealing with it right after this one. Gonna get right on it, so bye people.

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