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I don't take many things too seriously, but he can't just do this. On almost all of our recent dates my boyfriend, Darryl has had to go help one of his friends with something or other. 

I don't think that's what's going on...

He knows I can't trust easily, or at least he should know! 

He always talks about his best friend. His name's Zak, and apparently, I act a bit like him since my Darry Beary keeps being reminded of him during our dates. During our late nights spent together. At almost any time we can be seen together!

I'm so sick of this. I'm sick of being treated this way. Every time I bring it up I end up feeling like the bad guy, like that girl who just goes around ruining everybody's days for FUN!

Even though I'm going through this, his silly texts still make me smile. I'm getting one from him right now, it says he has something to tell me and that I should come to the park to meet him. I'm so excited! Even if it ends up being interrupted, this time with Darry will be amazing!

I approach the park, there aren't many people around or clouds in the sky. Darryl sits on a nearby park bench, covered up by a few trees so the people driving on the streets can't see us. Once I spot him, I run up to him, happier than I had been all week.

"Hey, Darry!" I shout, making him aware of my presence. He gives me a sandwich from a little bag once I come up closer. I sit down next to him, munching on the sandwich happily.

"I have to tell you something," he tells me "and you're not gonna-" I don't listen to the rest of what he says, as I'm too busy melting into his gaze. Oh my gosh, he is so charming. He stops talking.

"So, um, what did you want to tell me?" Is he gonna apologize to me for all the times our dates were interrupted, when he spent too much time talking about this "Zak" guy on days that were meant for us?

"I think we should break up," he explains "I've been realizing recently that I only got with you because you reminded me of my friend-" my mind blocks out all his apologies as I stare at the ground in front of me.

I remember all those times when he reacted in a weird way. 

All those times where the mood just didn't feel quite right.

All those times when-

He wasn't into me. He didn't love me like I thought he did.

Maybe I was just there so he could say he had me, so he could convince himself and everybody else that he liked girls.

Maybe I was just a placeholder, while he waited for this other guy to come along...

A placeholder...

All I was, was a placeholder

Authors Note:

This idea just recently came to me for some reason.  Also, I thought of the nickname Darry and was just dying to use it!

I might use one of the ideas on my shechual for the next chapter. Also, how do you spell schechual? I'm getting it so wrong even Grammarly isn't helping me. 

Have lovely days everyone <3

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