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A/N: I'm not an expert on people with hearing disabilities, so some parts of this might be false. And some things might be added in just for plot convenience or whatever. None of this is meant to offend anyone!


Independence is a double-edged sword.

On one hand, you have a lot more control of your life, but on the other hand, what if you're bad at controlling your life?

It's not like you get much practice before your thrown into the real world. Especially since I had to go to a special school. 

There were so many learning opportunities that I never got because all of those classes were located in different schools. Schools that I wouldn't be able to go to. Schools where even if I could go, I would be constantly ridiculed for not being like everybody else!

I can't hear things without my hearing aids, or at least, not well. Every time somebody speaks it sounds like their trying to eat two handfuls of potato chips while their speaking. And then they just get louder and louder when they realize I can't hear them! Like, why do people have to do these things?

So, back on topic, the real world. That's where I will be going soon because my parents are making me move out. 

But, the bad part is that I'm moving in with Bad. It's a silly pun, but the true meaning of it is kinda horrible. Like, I'd love love LOVE to see my best friend/crush for the first time, but I really don't want anyone who knows me online to know I use hearing aids. Every time I'm on camera, I manage to hide them, but I don't know if I can do that all the time!

And they also need to be charged. What if Darryl asks me about my weirdly shaped charger!

I guess I just have to jump into it and hope nothing goes wrong. After all, what could possibly go wrong?


Author's Note


The sequel of this is basically gonna be about Zak hiding his disability, or trying to hide his disability. Tell me if you like it so far and if there is a trigger warning I need to add!

I wanted to write more but my hands and my head sort of feel terrible, so imma not. Plus, mobile users probably enjoy shorter chappies anyway (i think so? I haven't used the app much)

Byeyeyeyeyeyyeyeyeyeyeyyeyeyey peoples, and remember to stay hydrated! 

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