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My ice cream is so adorable, laying there in my hand.

My lamp is so cute, sitting there on its little stand.

My nostrils are so pretty, sparkling in the soft glow of the sun.

My old bag of chips is so amazing, as it lays under a few books I had laid on top of it because I was running out of space on my desk.

My phone with it's three lovely stickers, all reminding me of times past...

Nah, none of this is that great. None of this is as amazing as Darryl.

If only he could just GET OUT OF THE FREAKIN BATHROOM!!!!!


Authors Note:

This is just a short little crackfic I'm making at 4:35 am... 

I decided to make a short tiny little schechual for some potential future stories (nothing is super definite) just to get rid of some extra energy.

If things are in both bold and italics that means they have been completed!

Next: something super adorable and fluffy

After that: Maybe make a part two for pain, not fully sure about that yet (maybe it'll involve chocolate syrup in some weird way...)

After that: Make a super dramatic detailed thing about a fallen cheeto that eventually gets a second part that's almost as dramatic as the last but not quite.

After that: Do a suggestion if there is one, or make one about back pain

Imma go to sleeps now/rlly soon so my family isn't too disappointed in me! And remember people, if you add enough ranch vegetables can be tasty too.

PS: Sorry about the lack of editing or prereading... this is probably pretty cringy

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