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A/N: This is the sequel to -hatred- and if you couldn't deal with that then you probably can't deal with this either. But don't worry, nobody dies!


Today Zak and I were going to meet up. I had been extremely anxious about it a few days back but now I just didn't have enough energy to be that scared. But, I still felt bad. These thoughts I've been having are almost making me want to skip out on him.

When I was eating my breakfast in my room I started crying in the middle of it because of these horrible thoughts.

"You suck!"

"You don't deserve to have someone like Zak in your life..."

"Ugly freak!"

"No wonder your mom left."

After a few hours of crying, I started doing some work on my server to calm me down. Most of the stuff I was doing didn't require the use of my voice, which was really good because I still wasn't in that good of a shape. 

Later on, when Zak called me on my phone, I tried my hardest to put on a brave face. 

"Nobody likes a weakling!"

I took deep breaths like everybody always told me to. And I answered Zak's call.

"You want to meet at the park or do you just wanna meet at your place?" Zak's cute voice yelled into the speakers. 

"How about just my place," I answered him, a big part of me genuinely excited to see him "it's closer than the park anyway." Along the last few days we had texted a few times, and I knew the address of the hotel he and his sister were staying at. 

In a few hours, me and Zak would meet up for the first time.


Zak's POV


I was a bit nervous to go see Darryl, but my excitement outweighed most of my nervousness. I was so excited that my sister even told me to calm down.

My sister, of all people, told me to calm down. That's a first.

I feel like Darryl is such an amazing person. He's so nice and I've been wanting to meet up with him for so long! I feel like I could ramble on about him for a year, he's just such a sweetheart.

When I finally got to Darryl's house I couldn't help but smile as I knocked on the door.

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