Chapter 41

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This is not a real chapter! Ha!

Did anyone fall for that?

But, ok, this author's note is actually pretty serious. But, I thought it was something that had to be said. I know it's probably been said millions of times by tons of different people, but I just wanted to let people know once again...

Sometimes I write some pretty angsty fanfics, I don't like to think I do a lot of them, but I do some. Some chapters have trigger warnings on them...

The point of this is just to say, suicide is never the answer. I want you all to stay safe and happy and healthy, and all those good things! 

I know not everybody that likes angst is depressed, but I just really wanted to comfort those in need of comfort, ok! 

The bread is all the sad people, and the butter is positive vibes. Right now I wanna make sure that bread is literally drowning in that butter. Do you understand what I mean?

Here is a list of things you deserve (feel free to comment new additions to the list)

1. You deserve shelter from the weather

2. You deserve food and clothing on your back

3. You deserve friends and family who love you

4. You deserve to make a living wage (if you work at a job)

5. You deserve to feel safe

6. You deserve to get a healthy amount of sleep

7. You deserve baths and/or showers (gotta stay clean!)

8. You deserve things that bring you joy, other than school or work

9. You deserve to drink water that is safe for consumption 

10. You deserve to feel at home in your own body and mind

11. You deserve first aid supplies for when you get an injury

12. You deserve a break from school/work (even if you don't want one)

13. You deserve to feel like your worth something

14. You deserve to feel free

I'm pretty bad at author's note, which is one of the many reasons I don't like making a whole chapter full of that kinda stuff. So, this is not gonna have much more stuff.

Here's a link I found on Google that has a gigantic list of different emergency hotlines:

Tell me if the link doesn't work. I had to type it by hand because it wouldn't paste for some reason.

And I also know that there are many people on this site who are willing to talk to you if you are in a rough spot! I would suggest talking to me, but I don't exactly have the best social skills, and there are many other people that would be able to help you better <3

I hope you all have lovely days/nights!


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