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A/N: This chapter (and it's sequel) are partially based on the song 911 <3


Zak's POV



We never talk about Amanda.

My family hates her, my friends don't know about her.

She comes into my room in the middle of the night, she whispers things in my ear. She gives me nightmares that keep me up for days. She's like poison, breaking me down every chance she gets.

I fear speaking up against her most of the time because her house is the only place I have to stay. I truly am in a difficult situation.

So, what am I going to do about that?


I was recording a video one day when Amanda stumbled into my room. She had a sharp knife in her hand, and I didn't have nearly enough time to press the stop recording button before she had gotten me pinned against my chair.

"Get up." She whispered, pointing her knife at me. I quickly obeyed her command, allowing her to drag me off into the living room.

She began slicing at my arms with the knife, trying to generate as much blood as she could without going too deep. Each new wound burned more than the next as tears made their way down my face. Once she ran out of room on my arms and shoulders she began on other parts of my body, such as my legs or my belly.

After a while, I passed out from the pain.


When I woke up I was on my bed, with Amanda standing above me.

"If you tell anyone about any of this, I'll post the video," she whispered in my ear "You know I'll get away with this, just like I do everything else." A spike of fear went through me at her words.

"W-what video?!" I asked her, stumbling over my words. I sat up, wincing from the many wounds that covered my arms and legs.

"The video you were recording when I came into your room," she said with a wide creepy grin, "If they see that video, they'll know how much of a wimp you really are." 

I gotta stay silent...


Darryl's POV


I was so nervous, but at the same time so excited.

Today I was going to confess my love for Skeppy.


Author's Note

I would write more, but i don't rlly have the energy right now.

Btw: I was offline for the last few days bc me and my fam were going on a trip <3


PS: Tell me if I should add another trigger warning!

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