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A/N: Tell me if there r any other warnings I should add! And also, this is one of the sequels to mirror.


Lil Zak's POV


Today I was eating breakfast and they all came. I was never told, Darryl was never told. It was a complete surprise for both of us.

Why they think that would have gone well, I have no idea...

As our counterparts greeted their family members I could feel a familiar feeling growing inside of me.


But this time, Darryl wasn't there to stop me. He wasn't there to be a voice of reason. The minute he saw his parent's faces he fleed, leaving me there to confront my urges. As you can probably tell, I lost that battle.

I leaped at my counterpart's father. Even though he was told about the whole situation by our counterparts, it was still a big shock for him to see me. I easily overpowered him. It felt as if my whole life was building up to this moment!

But, it wasn't. I was soon pulled away by my counterpart's mother. And that only caused me to freak out more. I don't know for sure what I did, because all I saw at that moment was red.


Lil Darryl's POV


Run, run, must keep running!

As I buried myself in my counterpart's laundry I could hear screams from downstairs. My vision was blurred from my tears and my stress was higher than it's ever been.

I didn't have time to think, though, I had to get away!

Hide hide hide hide hide hide...

Before I knew it, I was passed out in the pile of laundry.


Big Zak's POV


Why why why why why why why why why why


Big Darryl's POV


I could feel my hands shaking as I called 911

I can't believe Zak's child counterpart would do this?

How could a child be capable of... murder?


Lil Zak's POV

An hour later (or whatever)


When I woke up I was in a hospital and I saw Darryl's counterpart standing above me.

"Where's Darryl," I asked him, causing his eyes to widen in shock "my Darryl." After a few minutes, he was still silent. "Where is he?" I repeated, getting him out of his daze.

"I-I don't know."


Author's Note

Ohhhh noooooo drammmmamamamamamammamamama

I haven't been in much of a writing mood lately, so I might start not writing as often. I'll still do everything I said I'll do, but I just can't get everything done right now.


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