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Previously... (-purpose-)

I have a new purpose in life. A purpose that somehow feels even more worthwhile than updating my youtube channel...

He's kind, sweet, literally, every positive adjective I can think of describes him...

For the last month or so I've been sending this guy anonymous mail. I've sent secret admirer letters, plushies, stickers, all kinds of silly stuff. But, I tried my best not to hint TOO much that it was me. If it became too obvious, the whole thing would be ruined!

---- Back to the chapter! -----

I worked quickly as I filled the paper with things such as glitter glue and Valentines Day stickers. I was going to make this letter the cheesiest one yet! And because I was feeling risky, I even slid a few memes in there as well. 

I was also writing a letter to my Grandma earlier, so I accidentally wrote Darryl's address on the wrong envelope. It was an empty envelope I had decided to trash because I had accidentally misspelled my own address. Sending that envelope to Granny would've been asking for drama...

When the glue dried and I could finally put the letter inside the envelope, I still didn't notice the address.

Even when I put heart stickers on the envelope

A few weeks later I got a letter. It was covered in colored pencil hearts. I looked at the address.

It was from Darryl.

I carefully opened it up with some scissors (because if I didn't use scissors, I would've murdered the whole envelope) and nearly cried when I saw the words inside. 

Dearest Secret Admirer (aka, Skeppy),

I love you too little muffin!


BBH <3

He had even signed his name with a little heart! Six words had never had a bigger effect on me. I was a mixed bag of emotions. A part of me was scared, while many other parts of me were excited. I got on my phone as quickly as I could and texted Bad.

Me: Did you snd me a lettor?

CuteBoyHalo: Yes... did you like it?

All of a sudden, I was on the ground, passed out. And once I woke up I quickly got the answer to the question that had plagued me most of the night.

It turned out that I wasn't dreaming, after all


Author's Note:


I decided not to make a sequel for either of the endings in the end, which is probably good cuz it probably wouldn't have been good anyway.

Here is the list of chapters in this series thingy, just in case somebody decided to start on this chapter instead of the first one!

-purpose- (main story)

-proof- (sequel)

-livingthedream- (alternate ending)

Havvvvee a nicccccce dayyyyyyyy peopppppplleeeeee

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