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A/N: In this story, Zak goes into another dimension <3


Today I was moving in with Bad, I had all my things ready and I was shaking in excitement.

Before I knew it I was in my car with all my stuff, listening closely to where my phone told me to go. When I told people I was going to take this trip they all told me I was crazy.

But, I'm not crazy, I just love road trips. Even if it takes around eighteen hours and twenty-two minutes to get to my destination. (I actually searched online 2 get these numbers btw)


After a few hours I was on the highway, and somebody ran a red light. I was driving in front of them at the time, which caused them to ram into me.

I saw a dark blue flash of light and I was somewhere else.

There was blood all over me and my vision was getting hazy, and above me, I saw the most beautiful person in the world.



I woke up to bright white lights, I was in a hospital. I heard nurses and doctors talking about me outside.

"We can't seem to find this child's parent's in our systems," a blonde woman explained, "it's as if he just popped out of thin air!" A man with light brown hair scoffed.

"That's just preposterous, Emily!" That's when they noticed me. The nurse named "Emily" walked into the room and asked me a few questions. I wasn't paying any real attention though.

"C-can I have a mirror, please?" I asked her, scared to see my own reflection. My voice was a bit higher than it used to be, and it seemed like my arms looked different too! She brought one over to me and I almost screamed when I saw my reflection.

I was fourteen years old.


Author's Note

I'll make a sequel to this when I get around to it, probably.


Also PS: a part of me wants to make a ship opinions book (for all the things I like) but I'm also scared 2 cuz I have quite a few unpopular opinions on some things...

Tell me if you'd like to see one thoooooo

PPS: I was tired so this probably came out horrible sorry

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