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A/N: This is a genderswap AU! And instead of being Minecraft Youtubers, they both do mostly artsy stuff!

This isn't saying that only girls can do art! I just really wanted to do a genderswap AU for some reason, and this idea came to mind.

Darryl: Barbara

Zak: Anna


As we walked down the street I felt her tug on my sleeve. We were both on the way to my house, with Anna dragging a large suitcase behind her. She also had on a dark blue backpack with adorable little stars on them.

I first met Anna when I was making a drawing challenge video. The challenge was basically to complete each other's drawings. One of us would draw the character while the other person would draw the background. Afterward, we would send each other the drawings and put them together! Neither of us would know what the other person was drawing, though, so the result would often look a bit silly.

It turns out, our fans really liked the videos we did together, so we kept doing different challenges! And after a while, we became really good friends. 


Anna's POV (Zak)


I don't know if I can do this.

I mean, in my videos I often seem very outgoing, even though I don't really speak all that often, and that's great!

But, in reality, the majority of the time I'm just like most of my viewers.

I'm shy

I'm anxious

I'm basically just a slug of a person

And I am really really bad at talking to people!

At least, in real life. I used to be like this online too, but after a while, I began to realize that nobody is going to shoot me for putting the 'e' before the 'i' in "piece"! 

And even if they want to, they can't get me. They can't take their little guns and shoot me from behind a screen!

And plus, I would never do something that's actually bad. That would be the height of rude!

I might be a bit annoying at times but I always apologize.

But at the same time, what if Barbara is actually angry at me for all the pranks I did on her...

What if she wants to get revenge...

She could learn about my secret and ruin everything! I can't have her do that. And moving in with her?! I can't even imagine meeting her!

But right now I'm walking into Barbara's house, despite my brain yelling "no!"

All because this little thing in my chest keeps whispering "yes"


Author's Note

Date Written: August 28th, 2019

Sorry, it's so short! I didn't have much energy...

In the sequel, we're gonna learn what Anna's mysterious secret is <3

I hope all of you are having amazing days! And if you are going to school, I hope you enjoy the three day weekend coming up. (If it has already passed, then I hope you enjoyed)

And everybody just remember that death is never the answer! I want you all to live happy lives filled with happiness <3

Bye! <3

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