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Every single day first thing in the morning, I text my bestest friend to ever friend! (BFEF)

His name is Darryl, but his contact name on my cell phone is Darri Weari with a little heart emoji next to it. I text him about all sorts of things, but recently I've been texting him about a problem I've been having.

We talk about possible solutions to the problem, and it always gets me feeling hopeful that one day the pain will stop.

Today I was eating my breakfast when I got a few texts from Darryl. Actually, it was more like a million texts from Darryl...

Most of them said the same thing so i'll just show three of them.

Darri: Zakkkk

Darri: This is urgent!

Darri Zak!!!

I asked him what this was about, and soon enough I was headed to the park.

When I got there I saw him waiting for me on one of the benches there.

"Why didn't you just come to my house?" I asked him once I got there and identified him.

"I don't know where your house is," Darryl replied. I stared at the package in his hands. It had wrapping paper on it with polka dots and stuff. It looked really cool!

"It's just over there," I pointed over to my house across the street "it's the tiny one with the tiny tree in front of it!" We talked about random things for a few minutes until I brought up the package. It seemed like for a moment he had actually forgotten it was there!

"It's for you!" he told me with a smile, handing me the gigantic box. I ripped off the paper quickly, but at the same time, I got sure none of it blew away. When I saw the gift I got tears in my eyes.

"You got me a back thingie for my chair," I screamed "and you gave me..." I gasped when I saw what else was inside. It was a gift card and some coupons. But not just any gift card and coupons, no no! This all added up to 500 in total.

And just in case you all don't understand, that's enough for me to go to the doctor and fix my back. I literally started crying, he saved all of this up just for me!

"You like it?" Darryl asked as if it wasn't obvious by my happy tears. I gave him the biggest hug the world has ever seen.

"Thank you so much," I cried "I can't believe this is happening!" 

There is no questioning it now people, Darryl is the bestest friend to ever friend.


Author's Note

A friend is the one who has your back, but in this case, it's a bit more literal. 

Sorry if this offended anyone who actually has back problems btw, I don't actually know much about this subject.

Also, I give you all my virtual cookies. All the writers, readers, ice cream eaters. This is for you <3


Also: In my next chapter's Author's Notes I'm probably gonna make another to-do list, so be prepared for that.

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