Work, Work, Work

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ATEEZ are busier than ever

"God, I'm so freaking tired," Nari said, laying back on the floor. She was tired just like the rest of them. Preparing for Kingdom and a comeback at the same time was much more challenging than any of them had originally thought. If they weren't practicing choreography, they were in vocal lessons. If they weren't in vocal lessons, they were in a costume fitting.

If they weren't there, they were eating. If they weren't eating, they were getting the most amount of sleep they could. They hadn't even had a chance to enjoy the new dorm together with how busy they've been. "C'mon, let's go eat real quick before vocal." Wooyoung held his hand out and she grabbed it, letting him pull all her weight up.

In the lounge, he placed cup noodles down in front of her that she scarfed down at record speed. "Did you even taste anything you heathen?" Wooyoung said and Nari only shrugged, taking a sip of her water. "There's no time to taste anything Wooyoung-ie. We need to move, move, move!" Wooyoung groaned, slouching down in the chair and closing his eyes.

"I'm so tired, noona," he whined and Nari sighed, getting up and going to sit next to him. "I know, baby. But we can do this, I know we can." Wooyoung only groaned again and she sent him a tired smile. She was never really one to be a stickler on the honorifics. Usually if she used them it was because it was something serious.

Wooyoung and Jongho only used them when they were especially exhausted. Or apologizing for something or trying to get her to be serious about a situation. She knew they were all exhausted and she hated to see everyone so tired, but she also knew that they wouldn't change it for anything. They'd tie strings to one another and continue on until they were all collapsed.

"Okay, I have an idea," Nari said, looking around to make sure Hongjoong or Seonghwa wasn't lurking nearby. "Nothing that involves physical activity, please," Wooyoung begged and she slapped his knee. He glared at her. "We have 20 minutes before vocal starts, let's sneak away and take a nap." She hadn't seen Wooyoung's face light up as much as it was right now all week.

"I know the perfect spot, let's go!" He grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Her legs were sore and she wished he'd slow down, but she knew saying anything wasn't going to make him stop. He was determined for a nap and he was going to get one as quickly as possible. Thankfully, they quickly ended up at the spot that Wooyoung was apparently talking about.

"Woo," Nari scrunched her nose up as she looked around the small room, "this is an old props closet." He hummed, pulling a matt out of nowhere along with two pillows and a thick blanket. "W-where did you even get that?!" There was no way that a matt, pillows and blankets were just hanging around in here. Especially if they weren't filled with dust too.

"Mingi and I use this room a lot to sneak away. We even have snacks hidden here somewhere." Wooyoung pulled one of the boxes out and low and behold, there were chips and snacks piled inside. Nari's mouth was hanging open in shock. In her whole two years of being here, how had she never noticed once the two boys disappearing for extended amount of times.

"You never noticed because we're that sneaky," Wooyoung said as if reading her mind. He pulled her down on to the matt with him, wrapping his body around hers. "We need to sleep now," he said, nuzzling his face into her neck. In seconds the two were lightly snoring and in a peaceful dreamland.

"Where the hell did they go?!" Hongjoong said in frustration. Mingi had surprised everyone with coffee. He wasn't participating in this comeback, but he wanted to show his support for everyone however he could. He would bring them food and coffee, come just to joke around and make them laugh for a few minutes before going on his way. He was perfect for sitting there and observing, making sure everyone was in sync.

"I'll get them!" Mingi said, quickly leaving the room. After he was sure no one was following him, he went to the closet, throwing the door open. He stifled his laughter at the scene in front of him. He was sure they hadn't been sleeping long, but it looked like they had been. Wooyoung's hair was a mess and sticking up. He was currently sleeping with his mouth wide open and limbs sprawled apart.

Some of Nari's hair had fallen out of her bun and was splayed across her face. She had one of her arms and one of her legs thrown over Wooyoung and was snoring lightly. Mingi gently kicked the two, making them both jump up. "We're awake!" They said in unison and Mingi let out a laugh, patting their heads.

"Cute. Hongjoong hyung is looking for you two. You should go before he sends the dogs out." The two were quickly on their feet, kissing Mingi's cheeks as they raced back to the practice room. Mingi laughed and shook his head at their retreating figures, flicking the light off and closing the door behind him.

Now three of them knew the secret spot and he was mentally groaning at how long it would take before Yunho and Yeosang found out about it too. He was going to have to go and get all the snacks and hide them elsewhere. He wasn't going to let Wooyoung ruin his secret food stash too.

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