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Nari and San get a ship name

Nari giggled at the fan in front of her, letting her put on the cute headband she had brought for her as a gift. "Next concert I'm making sure my stylist includes this in my outfit." She winked and the fan got excited, squealing with joy. The staff gestured for the fan to move on and Nari happily waved by, giving her hand a squeeze and smiled brightly at the next one. "I love your hair! I've always wanted to do that!" She said, pointing to the green hair the girl had in front of her. "T—thank you!" The girl said with wide eyes.

Nari happily grabbed her album, flipping to the marked page and signing. "Thank you so much for supporting us!" She said and the fan pulled another picture out of her pocket. "Would you p-possibly be able to sign this one to?" She asked timidly, holding the folded paper out to her. Nari nodded happily, gently taking it and unfolding it. She almost fell over her chair in laughter when saw the picture. It was of her and San, ages ago, well, what seemed like ages ago. They both had on sunglasses that were way to wide for their faces, Nari had messily put lipstick all over San's lips as his punishment for losing whatever game they had played and he had smeared it all over her cheeks with kisses as revenge.

"Where did you even find this?!" She asked, signing the picture. "It was posted a long time ago and I thought it was cute." Nari saw the little letters at the top of the picture. It was written small, as not to ruin the actual photo, but it caught her eye. "NarSan?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. The girl blushed, averting her gaze to the table. "It's your ship name. For you and San oppa." Nari hummed, feeling a little odd being shipped with one of her members. But she also had a weird feeling and was unable to place it. She shook it off, waving bye to the fan. She saw when San saw the picture. The tips of his ears turned red and his went wide. She also saw him point to the little letters in the top left corner. Nari smirked a little; he was cute when he got flustered.

The fan meet ended and they all sat in the waiting room, just relaxing. Nari had pulled her phone out and was immediately on Twitter, looking up #NarSan. She was laughing to herself at all the posts and pictures and gifs and video edits. Wooyoung was next to her and he lazily rolled his head over to see what could be so funny that Nari just had to disrupt his sleep. "What's so funny?" She tilted her phone for him to see and soon the pair were giggling to themselves. It drew the attention of Jongho, who peeked over their heads and then all three were laughing.

"Seriously, what's so fun—oh, for christ's sake." Hongjoong said, pinching the bridge of his nose. He shook his head and walked away. Now Yunho and Mingi were curious, running up and crowding around Nari and Wooyoung. "I wanna see!" Nari showed everyone and soon they were all laughing, Yunho and Mingi practically on the floor. Yeosang and San walked up. "We're curious now." Nari smirked at San. "You sure you want to see this, San-ah?" He raised an eyebrow, clearly confused. She showed them, holding in her laughter as she saw San's cheeks and ears get redder and redder. Yeosang was smirking, trying not to laugh. "You look like an apple!" Yunho called out and everyone burst into laughter, San only getting more flustered.

"People really do this?" He asked and Nari laughed. "Please, San. You and Woo gave yourselves your own ship name." Wooyoung nodded, agreeing. "That's true." Yeosang winked at Wooyoung and cleared his throat. "Well, I think it's absolutely adorable and cute. You two really look great together. Or the fans are super good at editing." San glared daggers at Yeosang and Nari felt her cheeks heat up slightly. She pressed her hand to her face. "Why so red?" Mingi teased, pinching her cheek. She swatted his hand away, rolling her eyes. "I-it's just hot in here." Yunho wiggled his eyebrows, teasing her. She chose to ignore it.

"As much fun as it is watching you two be shipped in a couple together by complete strangers, let's go home." Seonghwa said, ushering everyone to stand up and grab their stuff. "But, hyung, look!" Jongho had taken Nari's phone out of her hands and started scrolling through them with Seonghwa glancing. It only took a few seconds before he was biting his lip to keep from laughing. "You guys really do look cute together." He said and San groaned, rolling his eyes. "Hyung!" Seonghwa shrugged, handing Nari her phone back and gesturing for everyone to get a move on.

Hongjoong looked between Nari and San. "I swear to god if I see another article about you dating one of us, Kim Nari, I will handcuff you to your bed." Nari scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Oppa, I can't help it that I'm so desirable. Right, San?" She said sweetly, leaning into him and wrapping her hands around his thin waist. San shivered at her breath on his shoulder, the tips of his ears turning red. "R-right." He stuttered and Hongjoong narrowed his eyes. "To the van. Now. Separately." Nari giggled, skipping out of the door and San felt like he could finally breathe. He knew he was way to obvious and he was surprised that Nari really hadn't noticed.

He sighed, making his way out to the van with Yeosang. "Remember what I said, it's not impossible." Yeosang said quietly and San shrugged his shoulders. "Shut up." Yeosang chuckled and they climbed into the van. At this point Yunho, Mingi and Jongho couldn't keep away from the pictures and videos and gifs, already scrolling through more and laughing. "They should change your ship name. I have a perfect one and it's so similar to the one you two have." Nari picked her head up slightly off Wooyoung's shoulder, opening one eye. San had taken the seat next to her, his knee touching hers and she unconsciously grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing his hand gently. San smiled softly, gently squeezing back and training his eyes on Yunho. "Come on with it, then."


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