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The flu is going around the dorm

It all started that fateful day. That day when Yunho coughed. Then it spread like the black plague. First Yunho, then San, then Wooyoung, and now Yeosang. They were under strict orders from Seonghwa to stay confined to one room and no one was to enter without a mask on. Nari pulled her mask on, entering into the room. She giggled at her pitiful looking members. Yunho had tissues surrounding him. San had cold towels all over his face, Wooyoung was in the middle of a coughing fit and Yeosang was tossing and turning in the bed, not being able to decide if he wanted the covers on or off.

"I'm glad our pain humors you," Yunho said, pulling another tissue out and blowing his nose. "I'm sorry," Nari giggled, "it's just so funny to come from out there in the uninfected world to here. It's like the apocalypse in here and you all are about to die." Yeosang turned around but didn't open his eyes. "I think I am dying. It feels like the fires of hell are inside of me." Wooyoung groaned, collapsing on to his pillow. "It feels like I got run over by a train." San seconded that reference. "Yunho-hyung. It's all your fault." San said, removing the towels from his face and neck.

"I came in to see if you all needed anything," Nari said, placing the back of her hand on each boy's head. Their fevers still hadn't broken. "I'm hungry and bored. And dying." Yeosang said. "I can bring the game console in here and try to connect it?" Nari offered and Yunho perked up as much as a sick child could. "PLEASE." Nari laughed, already walking out of the danger zone and grabbing the gaming console from the living room and bringing it back to the boy's room. It took her a few minutes to figure it out, but with a little help from Yunho and Yeosang, she was able to get it all connected and handed each boy a controller.

They were all now focused on the small TV and Nari smiled, sitting on the foot of Yunho's bed. "Nar, you're going to get sick if you stay in here. Leave." Wooyoung said, not taking his eyes off the TV screen. "I'll be fine. I'm wearing a mask and I'll wash my hands. Besides, Seonghwa and Jongho are making chicken soup for you all." As if on cue, Yeosang's stomach growled. Nari giggled, standing up. "I'll go see if it's ready." As she entered the kitchen, she saw Jongho filling the last bowl with soup. "I'll bring it to them!" Nari said, grabbing the tray. "Make sure you wash your hands after. 4 of us sick is enough." Seonghwa said. Nari rolled her eyes, "yes, mom."

She brought her sick babies their food and they ate like they haven't eaten in months. "Jesus. Maybe it really is the apocalypse. You're all eating like you haven't eaten in years. Did you even taste it?" She said and Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "We can't taste anything either way." Nari sighed, gathering the dirty dishes and sitting to watch them play some more. After an hour or so, Nari went and unplugged the TV, causing all 4 boys to groan in annoyance. "Yah! Kim Nari! We were almost to the next level!" Yunho said, glaring at her. She rolled her eyes, taking the controller. "You all need to rest or you'll never get better. You can play later." The all groaned but laid down as Nari pulled the covers over all 4 and kissed them through her mask.

She brought the dirty dishes to the kitchen and washed her hands, pulling her mask off. "Any better?" Hongjoong asked, coming in to do the dishes. "Not really," Nari shook her head, leaning against the counter. "Their fevers haven't broken yet, but they must be feeling a little better to fight over the video game." Hongjoong chuckled, "sounds like them." Nari felt a tickle in her nose. She sneezed and then coughed, sniffing. Hongjoong looked at her with wide eyes, pulled his shirt over his nose and mouth. "Oh god. You got it. You're diseased." Nari rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "I did not. I just had a tickle in my no-ACHOO." She sneezed again, eyes going wide. "Oh no."

"SEONGHWA!" Hongjoong yelled and Seonghwa sprinted into the kitchen. "What happened? Who got hurt?! Did you cut yourself?!" Hongjoong shook his head, pointing at Nari with wide eyes. "She has it. Man down." Nari narrowed her eyes. "Oppa, I'm fi-ACHOO!" She sniffed. Seonghwa pulled a mask out of his pocket and put it on. "You're quarantined. Let's go." He dragged her to the bedroom, despite her protests. "You've sneezed 10 times since I dragged you here." He closed the door and Nari groaned. "HA! Told you you'd get sick. That's what you get for unplugging our game." Yunho said, a smirk on his face. Nari sneezed again, sniffing.

"Shut up. I tried to be nice and this is what I get in return. I'm not helping anyone next time they get sick. It's every man for themselves. Move over." She pushed Yunho over, laying down and he chuckled. "This is still karma at its finest. Now you get to hang out with us all day." Yeosang groaned, pulling the pillow over his head. "That sounds like a punishment for us."

"Yah!" Nari threw one of the pillows on Yunho's bed at him and he glared at her. "Can you all shut up?! I'm trying to sleep." Wooyoung said, turning over. Nari turned over, closing her eyes.

"I call next game when we wake up."

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