Life Laughs

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ATEEZ have group bonding with some laughs in between

A/N: Another request by @hashtagllCosmogyral; hope you like it! It was one of my favorites to write.

Nari set up the laptop in the center of their kind of circle. "It's simple; I'm gonna play videos of us and you can't laugh. Or react." The others nodded but Yunho and Mingi looked at her with wide eyes. "So, we can't laugh? At other members?" Nari nodded her head, a smirk playing on her lips. She knew that none of them could do it, her included. "What's the penalty?!" Jongho asked and Nari hummed. "Finger flick from Jongho." The others yelled in protest as Jongho smiled proudly, puffing his chest out. "Better not lose then," Nari said, shrugging her shoulders and hitting play.

Within the first minute Yunho and Mingi were already out. Nari paused the video as Jongho warmed himself up for the finger flicks. "Please, tell my mom that I love her." Yunho said dramatically as he held the hair out of his face. Nari rolled her eyes but assured him that she would let his mom know. The others mouth formed an 'o' as they heard the smack of Jongho's finger and Yunho fell backwards, groaning. "Couldn't we have someone else do it?" Mingi asked nervously and Nari shook her head. "No. This is more fun."

"To see us in pain?"

"I told you not to lose."

"You're laughing at us getting hurt!" Mingi protested and Nari shrugged.

"Your misery is my happiness, oppa. Not move your hair!"

Mingi gulped but held his hair out of his face as Jongho flicked his forehead, the center of it immediately turning a bright red as Mingi fell back onto Yunho. "I felt my soul leave." Mingi groaned and everyone laughed. "Back to the game!" Nari said loudly, pressing play. They were all doing surprisingly well, until a clip played of Mingi coming dangerously close to kicking San in his balls. Nari, Wooyoung and Yeosang all burst out laughing, frowning once they realized what it meant. They diligently received their finger flicks and Nari groaned as she rubbed the red spot, leaning back on Yunho's legs. He smiled at her, running his fingers through her hair. "Not so funny when it's you, now is it?" He teased and she muttered a quiet "shh" before pressing play again.

Everyone eventually laughed, and Yunho graciously offered to flick Jongho's forehead, but the maknae being as macho as he pretended to be acted like it was nothing. Nari didn't miss the wince though and giggled to herself. The all sat back in their makeshift circle, talking about the challenge and the funniest memories they've had since debut. "Remember when they first brought Nari to the studio?" Yunho said with a smile and the others hummed in response. "We thought they were joking around." Hongjoong laughed and Yeosang scoffed. "I still think they're joking." Nari kicked him in his shin and he glared at her before Hongjoong narrowed his eyes and they both looked down.

"Jongho was so nervous!" Nari said, recalling the memory. "He couldn't even look at me! And every time I went near him he would blush and turn red." The others laughed at that and Jongho rolled his eyes, pouting. "I don't do that anymore." Nari giggled, reaching across Yeosang and pinching Jongho's cheek. "I know, baby." As if on cue, Jongho blushed slightly and the others laughed. "Remember when we lost Nari and Hongjoong and were running around like crazy looking for them only to find them sleeping in the closet?" Wooyoung said, laughing a bit. Nari and Hongjoong laughed, nodding. "You all were so mad at us but we hadn't even left!" The others laughed. "Hongjoong does work really hard though. I wish you'd let us help more." Nari said quietly.

Hongjoong smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "It's really alright. It doesn't feel like work when it comes to music. But I promised back then I would ask if I needed help and I intend to keep that promise." Nari smiled happily, glad he remembered. The others went around, reminiscing on more memories as Nari stopped paying attention. She had a goofy grin on her face, looking around at all her members laughing and reminiscing. This was something they hadn't been able to do in a while; sit and just talk like normal friends for a day. Even just for a little bit. She found herself falling more and more in love with her group members, grateful for everything. She didn't even notice the stray tear that fell down her cheek until Mingi jumped over everyone, knocking her down and wiping her cheek. "Yah! Why are you crying?!" He said and the others looked over worriedly. Nari laughed, gently pushing Mingi off her but he sat behind her, settling her in between his legs and leaning against his chest, arms wrapped around her torso.

"It's a happy tear." She smiled and Seonghwa smiled at her, eyes turning into crescents. "I am just, really so grateful to you all. You have no idea." She said, taking in a deep breath. She knew none of them questioned her emotions towards them, but she was ready to get deep and that was something new. "Honestly. If I didn't have you all, I don't think I would be here." The others frowned, a course of "don't say that" made around the circle as Mingi kissed the top of her head. "You've all welcomed me with open arms since day 1, you've never let me being a girl hold you back. You're all just amazing. Simply amazing. I'm so happy to call you family." Mingi's grip tightened around her as the others jumped on top of the two in a very heavy group hug.

"You being a girl is nothing, Nar. It just makes us more unique." Wooyoung winked and Yeosang smirked beside him. "You're hardly a girl anyways." Nari narrowed her eyes. "Yah!" She went to smack him but Mingi held her arm back, whispering in her ear. "Hongjoong hyung is going to scold you." She huffed, but saw Hongjoong keeping a watchful eye on the two. "We're going to be doing this for a long time, hopefully until we die." Hongjoong said and the others smiled in agreement. Hongjoong put his foot in and the others followed suit. "9 makes 1 team!" They all screamed at the same time and Nari felt her heart warm even more. "Even when we're too old to do this anymore, I still hope you all know I'm going to continue to annoy you." She teased, offering a wink and the others laughed.

"I bet we'll still be living in this dorm with each other." Seonghwa laughed and the others giggled. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Yunho murmured and the others agreed. This was one of the best days Nari had had in while and she watched as one by one the members started falling asleep. She wiggled out of Mingi's grasp, careful not to wake him and went and grabbed everyone's blankets and pillows, gently throwing them over everyone so they wouldn't be cold. She placed pillows under their heads so their necks wouldn't hurt and stood there, a smile of adoration on her face as she watched her peacefully sleeping members. Until something wrapped around her ankle and she almost squealed.

"Just me," Seonghwa smiled sleepily up at her and she placed her hand on her heart. "Oppa, you scared the crap out of me." She said and he chuckled quietly, yanking on her leg. "C'mere." He murmured as he opened the blanket and she crawled happily next to him as he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face into her neck. She smiled, squeezing one of his hands gently. "I love you all, ATEEZ." She whispered and she smiled when she felt Seonghwa smile into her neck as she let her eyes fall closed.

"ATEEZ loves you too, Kim Nari." 

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