Reactions: First Meeting

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Hongjoong: When Nari first met Hongjoong she thought he was adorable. He was almost as little as her. He was very friendly, immediately giving her a hug and welcoming her to the team. When she first heard him rap, she was absolutely amazed. She looked at him with wide, golden-brown eyes. Then she saw him dance and sing and she was even more amazed. She vowed right then and there that she would work twice as hard to even come close to matching his level. When she heard Aurora and found out that it was Hongjoong's song, she could've dropped dead right there. She understood completely why he was the leader. Hongjoong thought Nari was adorable, especially because she was smaller than him, even if not by much. He could tell that she had been through a lot because she looked fairly uncomfortable at first, but he was happy when he was able to make her smile and relax a little. He didn't miss when she was looking at him in awe as he was showing off his skills.

Seonghwa: Nari was surprised by how good Seonghwa looked when she first met him. She described it in an interview once that he looked exactly like a mannequin you see at the stores. She felt comfortable immediately when he smiled warmly at her and she unconsciously moved closer to him. He felt safe for her. Seonghwa thought Nari was cute and happy that she was so small. He was a little unsure of a girl in an all boy group at first but when he watched her rap and dance, he was in awe. Seonghwa saw the scar on her ribs when her shirt accidentally lifted up while she was dancing and he immediately was drawn to her side and felt like he needed to protect her.

Yunho: Nari was a little intimidated by his height at first. However, he was the second person to hug her. He caught her off guard, lifting her up and spinning her around and talking 50 miles a minute. Hongjoong eventually made him stop before she was too dizzy to do anything and sheepishly apologized and threw her a smile. Yunho was so happy to have someone to call a little sister and someone he felt he could protect. He also loved how small she was because he could easily pick her up. He was happy that KQ was trying something new and once he heard her rap and saw her dance, he knew that she was the missing piece to their family.

Yeosang: Nari couldn't get a good read on Yeosang when they first met. He smiled slightly and politely introduced himself, but she didn't feel like he was really welcoming her much. She felt like she didn't want her there and it made her a little nervous. She didn't miss how after she finished showing them her rapping and dancing that he didn't say anything, just politely clapped. Yeosang was a little jealous and wary of Nari when they first met; how could he not be? They had already debuted, and he felt like she was just trying to use their fame at first to boost her own career and ego. Thankfully, he warmed up to her.

San: Nari thought San was cute, but she had read up on the group she was joining beforehand and knew that he was struggling a little with his self-image. She made sure to compliment him on little things like his dimples, hair, dancing, singing, etc. She just wanted him to feel comfortable and hoped to be able to cheer him up a bit. San was absolutely smitten when Nari walked in the practice room. For him, she was his ideal type in every way possible. When he was told that she was joining the group as their 9th member, he was shocked but also happy that he had a lifetime of being able to get closer to her.

Mingi: After Hongjoong and Yunho, Mingi was the third member to get into Nari's personal space. Every time she tried to take a step back, he just seemed to come closer and seemed to be unaware that she was a little uncomfortable. He kept talking about random things, asking her questions. She found him quite annoying at first and did her best not to frown at him. She also knew that he was her reasoning for agreeing to join ATEEZ, so she didn't want to be rude and just dealt with it. Mingi was over the moon when Nari first walked into the room. He was immediately asking her a thousand and one questions about herself, just trying to be friendly. He could tell she was a little thrown off by his attentiveness, but he thought it was amusing and continued to do it.

Wooyoung: Nari thought Wooyoung was probably the sexiest member of ATEEZ when she first saw him and damn did he know he was. His shirt wasn't buttoned all the way and he kept combing his fingers through his hair. She was a little flustered when they first met but how confident he was and hoped to match his confidence soon. Wooyoung thought Nari was cute and just wanted to tease her. He was not aware at the time that she was his noona, as she was so small. He laughed every time he saw her get flustered but didn't miss the way San would frown at him; which just amused him even more.

Jongho: Nari was super happy that Jongho was the maknae and not her. She always wanted a younger sibling that she could baby, but unfortunately fate didn't allow that to happen. Nari was actually the one to skip over to him and introduce herself, pinching his cheeks and letting him know how happy she was that she could be his noona. Jongho was a little shocked when Nari first walked in the room and damn near thought he would faint when they were told she was being added to the group. He wasn't good around girls; he was awkward enough around his own members who were male. When she bounded up and pinched his cheeks, he couldn't help but to blush.

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