Valentine's Day Special

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Wooyoung and Nari celebrate Valentine's Day together

A/N: Happy love day! I actually really loathe today but writing this made me like it just a tad bit. Hope you all have a wonderful day and eat all the chocolate!

"Wooyung-ie!" Nari whined and Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "What now?" He said and Nari smiled. She had been bugging him all morning about being bored. They'd finished their schedule early and now they were all lounging around the dorm, enjoying their day. "Let's go out. I'm bored." Wooyoung sighed. "It's Valentine's Day. Shouldn't you be out with your boyfriend?" Nari rolled her eyes. "Ravn is not my boyfriend. Besides, they're busy today." Wooyoung smirked but didn't say anything. "Fine. Let's go." They left the dorm, Nari linking their arms together.

"What do you want to do?" Nari smiled at him evilly, "let's go to the ice rink!" Wooyoung widened his eyes, shaking his head furiously. "No. No way. I can't do that." Nari laughed, pulling him along. "You'll be fine." They arrived and Wooyoung almost cringed at all the couples on the rink. "I'm going to fall on my ass, Nar. You too. We can't do this." Nari shrugged, "I don't care. This will be fun, let's get skates." They stood in the line that was surprisingly not too long. When they reached the counter the employee smiled brightly at them. "Are you here for the couples special?" She asked, pointing up and Nari looked up at the sign, a smirk taking over her features.

She linked her and Wooyoung's hands together, leaning her head on his arm. "Yes! My boyfriend and I would love to have the couples special." Wooyoung looked at her with his mouth open and wide eyes, ready to protest until Nari elbowed him harshly in his side. He grunted and smiled, speaking through gritted teeth and narrowed his eyes at her. "Yes. The couples special. Anything for my girlfriend." Nari smiled happily as the employee took the discount off and both laced their skates up. "I can't believe you just pretended to have a boyfriend for a discount." He shook his head, not believing himself that he went along with it. "Anything to get money off. Shut up. Let's go!" She pulled his hand as they hobbled onto the ice.

Within two seconds Nari had fallen on her butt and Wooyoung had a death grip on the wall of the ice rink. "Help me up you ungrateful swine!" Nari scolded him and he narrowed his eyes, shaking his head. He was not about to let go and go home with a bruised tailbone. "Hell no. I'd rather be a swine with a nice ass than one with a black and blue one." Nari rolled her eyes when a hand entered her vision. "Need help?" She looked up at the male in front of her and did her best to hide her frown. Strangers were not something she was comfortable with but he was cute, in a baby type of way. Not even a second later Wooyoung was by her side, lifting her up by her arm and narrowing his eyes at the stranger. "I've got her. Thanks." He said a little harshly and the male shrugged, skating away with ease.

Nari giggled. "Jealous much? Boyfriend." Wooyoung scoffed, standing as still as possible as other people skated around them. "No. Just need to help my girlfriend before some stranger sweeps her off her feet." She rolled her eyes, linking their arms together and they slowly inched back towards the perimeter of the rink. They eventually got the hang of it, skating around but both refused to let go of each other or the wall. "Let's go get some hot chocolate. It's cold." Nari said as she stepped out of the rink, throwing her skates off. Wooyoung was grateful the torture was over.

They returned their skates, the staff wishing them a happy day and made their way to the nearest café. They entered, Nari ordering two hot chocolates. "We have a special on our sweets today for couples!" The employee said excitedly, eyeing the two up and down. Nari looked over to the two cupcakes baked in the shape of hearts and her mouth watered. "Free of charge." The employee said and Nari smiled, grabbing Wooyoung's hand and wrapping it around her waist. "What do you think, honey?" She cooed, looking up at him. Wooyoung almost puked in his mouth, poking her in her side and making her jerk. She narrowed her eyes at him and he smiled wide. "We'll take it. My jagi has such a sweet tooth it's impossible to say no." He winked at the cashier who blushed and nodded, quickly walking away.

Once they sat down, Nari dug into the cupcake. She noticed they were given a fork and she smiled playfully, holding it out to Wooyoung with a piece of cupcake of on it. "Open wide, my darling." She teased and Wooyoung swatted her hand away. "You're absolutely ridiculous, Nar. I can't believe I let you do this. Twice." She laughed, shoving the sweet into her mouth and shrugged. "Free stuff, Wooyoung-ie!" They were interrupted by two young girls standing at their table, looking nervous. "U-uhm are you Wooyoung and Nari from ATEEZ?" One asked shyly and Nari sighed, knowing their fun was over. They'd been spotted. She smiled, nodding her head. "You found us!"

The two squealed happily and Nari did her best not to scrunch up her face at the loud noise. "Can we have a picture?! Or a signature?!" Said the youngest one and her friend elbowed her in the ribs. "Can't you see they're on a date?!" The other girl looked between the two members and at the half-eaten heart shaped cupcake in the middle of the small table. "I-I didn't know you two were dating! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She bowed profusely and Nari perked up. Maybe the fun wasn't over yet. She immediately reached across the table, linking her hand with Wooyoung's who looked at her like she had 5 heads. "We didn't want anyone to know yet, but we're madly in love. Can you two keep this a secret if we take a selfie?" She winked at them and the two looked at her wide-eyed and nodded their heads.

She smiled, taking a few pictures with the girls and Wooyoung and sent them on their way. "Enjoy the rest of your date! I'm sorry we intruded. You two are really cute together!" Nari giggled as Wooyoung pinched the bridge of his nose. They left quickly, knowing soon enough the shop would be swarming with fans and made their way back to the dorm. "I cannot believe you really just did that. Hongjoong is going to kill us." He muttered as they made their way back and Nari grinned, shrugging her shoulders.

"Till death do us part, Woo, till death do us part."

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