Breaking Rules

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Nari doesn't always follow the rules

Nari quietly tiptoed down the dark hallway. She hated this quarantine stuff, especially this time around. At least last time they weren't separated into different parts of the dorm.

Finding the white door she needed, she silently opened it and slid in the room. The only sound that could be heard was a quiet click when she shut it.

"What are you doing?!" San exclaimed, clearly surprised by the black-haired girl in his room. She shot him a sweet smile and held her finger to her lips.

"Quiet!" She hissed. The last thing she needed was Hongjoong or Seonghwa knowing she was breaking the rules right now.

"You're not even supposed to be in here! I tested positive!" San whisper-yelled. Nari rolled her eyes. "I'm fully vaccinated." San huffed.

"That doesn't mean you can't get it."

"So, you want me to leave then?" She teased, pretending to reach for the door handle. "I—just wait!" He said again and Nari grinned.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest. "It's boring being away from everyone. And I missed you." She breathed.

"We literally just FaceTimed not even five minutes ago," he deadpanned. She clicked her tongue and pulled away, going to sit on his bed.

"It's not the same," she whined as San sat next to her. "Besides, I can't do this over stupid video call." She quickly pressed her lips to his.

San's eyes went wide and the tips of his ears flushed red. "You shouldn't do that! You could get sick!" Nari only quirked a brow.

"I'll be fine. Just hold me, babo." She nestled into his side and San's arms came around her. She couldn't see the fond smile on his face. While he wished that she would just wait the few more days they had to be quarantined, he did miss her. Plus, he was already expecting her to sneak into someone's room eventually. She didn't particularly like being alone.

"What have you been doing?" She asked and San nodded towards the TV. "Watching shows, video games. Talking to everyone. I think Hongjoong hyung calls me at least three times every 2 hours."

Nari snickered and grabbed his hand, playing with his fingers. "He's just worried is all. I think he called me five times in 20 minutes."

"Or he's just really bored." San mused.

"We're all bored! I just wish this would end already." She sighed dramatically. San chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Well, if some people would just follow the rules, it would." He winked.

She scrunched her nose up and lightly slapped his thigh. "Shut up. You wanted me here just as much." He pretended to think about it and shrugged. "Maybe."

With another roll of her eyes, she sat up and turned on the TV. "Tease me later, or tell on me later. Let's watch TV and sleep."

San smiled at her and settled comfortably onto the bed, Nari laying her head down on his chest and wrapping her arms around his waist. "Whatever you want my little rule breaker."

She beamed at him and pressed another peck to his lips. "You love me."

He smiled, tightening his arms around her.

"I really do."

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