Home For The Holidays

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Nari goes to see San's parents for the holidays

Nari had the cookies she had baked a few days ago tucked safely under her arms as she exited the car. "Have a good time off, manager-nim! I'll miss you!" She winked at their manager and blew an air kiss as he laughed and wished the two to be safe and call if they needed anything.

"Are you ready for this?" San asked as he linked his arm through hers. Nari snorted and pecked his cheek. "You're acting like I've never met your parents before, San-ah. I literally talk to your mom more than you do." San scrunched up his nose and ruffled her hair. "It's the first time we're seeing them with you as my girlfriend."

She only shrugged, walking her way up to the door. "You worry too much. It's not going to be any different. Your mom will still love me more and your dad will ask when we're finally going to get married." San sighed and followed the girl as she rang the doorbell. It flew open almost immediately, as if San's mom had been waiting for them.

"Oh, my daughter!" She sang out dramatically and Nari giggled, throwing her free arm around San's mom's back. "Eomma! I missed you!" His mom started rattling off about how excited they were to have Nari and San back home for the holidays this year. She gave San a sloppy kiss on the cheek, scolding him for looking like he lost more weight.

Nari only giggled as she followed San's mom to the kitchen, greeting other family members along the way. Her and San's mom spent the next hour preparing the food and getting everything ready for the meal. "I'm glad my boy finally came to his senses and nabbed you," his mom spoke and Nari felt her cheeks burn a little but smiled.

"Me too. I'm really happy." His mom turned to her with a twinkle in her eye and patted her cheek. "I'm happy for both of you. You both deserve the best and between you and me," she leaned in and lowered her voice, "San-ie be an idiot if he let you get away." She winked and Nari laughed, kissing her cheek.

This was family for her. San's family. It wasn't that the other's parents didn't treat them any differently than San's mom, but for Nari, San's mom felt warm and comforting. She always treated her like a daughter—as if she was born out of her own womb. She always made sure to never leave her out of anything.

They were finally seated at the table, Nari next to San, his father at the head of the table, his mom sitting next to him. San grabbed Nari's hand under the table and gave it a small squeeze. She gently smiled at him, lacing their fingers together as San's dad raised a glass to give a toast.

"To having my boy and my girls here for this lovely time of year. And to success for everyone in the future!"

They all raised their glasses and took a sip, digging into the food. "So, San-ah," his dad said, looking up at the two kids. San stared at him, chewing the inside of his cheek. He knew what was coming. "When are you making my Nari my daughter-in-law?"

Both of them practically choked on their food, faces turning beet red as the others laughed and teased them. Nari found herself smiling and squeezing San's hand again.

This was home for her.

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