You Can't Leave Me

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The boys try to stop Nari from overreacting

"What?" Hongjoong said, with wide eyes. San felt his heart drop to his stomach. She's leaving? Why? What happened? What exactly had Hongjoong said? Everyone was staring in shock, thinking it was some sick joke. "Very funny, Yeosang." Seonghwa said and Yeosang shook his head furiously. "It's not a joke, hyung! Yunho just called me! She called manager to meet with him and the company tomorrow." San started trembling, eyes tearing up and Seonghwa was at his side in an instant.

"She can't leave. She can't leave before we even started." He mumbled and Seonghwa patted his back, trying to hush him. "Where are they?" Hongjoong asked, voice stern and filled with determination. Yeosang told him the name of the hotel and seconds later, 6 grown men were running through the night streets of Korea to save their member from making the biggest mistake of her life. They reached the hotel, panting and out of breath, skipping the elevator and taking the stairs two at a time.

Hongjoong banged a fist on the door, not caring about the late hour or the other guests on the floor. "Kim Nari! Open this door right now! NARI!" The door flew open, a panicked Yunho staring at him. "Hyung," he said sadly and Hongjoong pushed past him, not caring what he had to say at eh moment. His heart dropped as he saw Nari, wrapped up in Mingi's arms, sobbing her heart out. "I'm so sorry," she kept saying over and over again and Mingi was doing his best to comfort her but everyone could see the way he would tense as a sob took over her body.

Hongjoong wasted no time, jumping on the bed and tearing her from Mingi's arms, pulling her tightly into his chest. She sobbed harder, gripping his shirt. "Oppa! I'm so sorry!" She wailed and Hongjoong felt his heart stop for a brief moment. "It's fine, baby. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I didn't mean any of it. Don't leave us, Nari. Please don't leave us." She sobbed, breathing becoming ragged, coming out in short pants and she gripped his shirt tighter, body starting to tremble without stopping. "She's panicking. She's panicking and it's all my fault." He said and San and Seonghwa ran forward.

Seonghwa grabbed her, practically ripping her off of Hongjoong and forcing her to stare at him. His heart broke at her puffy cheeks, red eyes and smudged makeup. "Nari, baby. Look at me, Nari. Look at me and focus on my voice." She tried her best, but she couldn't. "I messed it all up, I messed everything up." She was repeating it like a mantra and Seonghwa internally started panicking. This was one of the worst he had ever seen. She couldn't focus, she was barely taking in a breath and she was shaking like she was having a seizure.

"Hyung, I think we should call an ambulance." Wooyoung said, pulling his phone out but San told him no. "She can do this." He turned her around, cradling her like a baby, pressing her head gently into his chest. He was surprised at how calm his heartbeat was and he rocked her back and forth, gently running his fingers through her hair. "Nari-ah, it's San-ie. Listen to my heartbeat, follow my breathing. You can do it, Nari." It took about 20 more minutes before her sobs turned into hiccups and her breathing evened out.

She could finally focus, looking up at San who was holding her and almost burst into tears again. San smiled, eyes turning into crescents. "There's my girl." She smiled slightly, burying her face into his chest and wrapping her arms tightly around him. "I'm so sorry, San-ah. I didn't mean to surprise you. I like you. I do. And I freaked out and I messed everything up and it's just better for me to leave." San shushed her. "Let's talk about it the morning, okay? You're tired and exhausted, we all are. Let's just sleep and we can figure it out in the morning." Nari nodded her head as San laid down with her, Yunho and Mingi joining on the other side.

The others all crammed into the other bed and some on the couch, all whispering "I love you," to Nari and saying goodnight. Nari didn't say anything, just staring with her puffy eyes at the white ceiling above her. She was tired. She was exhausted. And she knew the rest of them were too. And she knew she messed everything up; it's why San didn't want to talk to her tonight. She noticed that he didn't tell her he liked her back and she wanted to burst into tears again but she could hear the soft snores coming from her members around her and didn't want to wake them.

"Sleep, love." San whispered, kissing her temple. She nodded, letting her eyes flutter closed. "You can't leave me, Nari. I need you." He said again and her heart broke at the desperation in his voice. She didn't say anything, cuddling closer to him and soon, his breaths also evened out and she followed his slumber soon after. She awoke a few hours later, her head pounding from all the crying and eyes feeling dry. She saw the peek of sunlight through the bottom of the curtains and almost laughed at Mingi and Yunho cuddled up.

She quietly slipped out of the bed, making sure not to wake anyone. She threw her hoodie over her head, grabbing her bag and walking to the door. She took a deep breath and turned around, taking one last look at her sleeping members and smiled with new tears making their way to her eyes. She didn't want to truly leave, but she couldn't be a distraction to them or San, she couldn't ruin his dreams or the rest of theirs. She silently slipped out of the door, making sure to make no noise when it closed behind her.

She placed her hand on the door, mumbling a quiet 'I'm sorry' before turning and making her way to the company.

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