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Nari can't help herself during the anniversary concert

A/N: gets very suggestive

"9 makes one team, fighting!" Nari excitedly made her way towards the stage with everyone. They were having their 2nd anniversary concert in just a few seconds and they were all hyped up. While they wished they could have it with fans surrounding them, she would take what she could get. She was going to give the best performance she could.

It started and she felt any nerves she was feeling disappear. She truly loved doing this and it was even better that she was able to do it with good friends at her side. However, she had been having trouble keeping her eyes off of San since they started getting ready. He had been hitting the gym more. Stating he wanted to work up his stamina and tone his muscles. Nari called bullshit.

He liked to tease just as much as she did, but the difference was he seemed to tease everyone around him. On purpose. It fueled him to know that people were hot and bothered because of him, Nari was sure of it. And right now, with the black leather vest and the skintight pants, she found herself feeling a familiar warmth in the pit of her stomach. She snapped herself out of it, continuing with the song.

Once they had run backstage to change again, she couldn't help but admire the way the muscles on his back were so defined. How absolutely wonderful his arms look when he flexed without realizing it. How those piercing, almost black, eyes held a little bit of her heart. She was sure they always would, regardless. But right now all she was feeling was need and want. She longed to be a naked, tangled mess in his arms.

She bit her bottom lip, fanning herself a little. "Need an ice pack?" Wooyoung was tossing her the top for her outfit for the next song with a smirk on his face. She only rolled her eyes, running behind the curtain to quickly change. And then they were out again, doing what they do best. And she couldn't help the way her eyes would linger on San longer than she wanted. She was almost positive the camera had caught her ogling him.

Luckily, they finished the concert with no mishaps or injuries. Nari had pushed her dirty thoughts away, but now that there was no dancing and script to follow, her mind was full force bringing her desires to light. She sucked in her cheeks, squeezing her legs together. She just needed to get home and shower and she would be okay. "Did you just eat a lemon?" Wooyoung asked and she opened her eyes, giving him a deadpanned stare. "Har, har. Funny, Woo."

He smirked, sitting down next to her. "How much trouble you think you're gonna be in?" He asked and she feigned innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about." He snorted, shaking his head and scrolling through his phone. "A rock could've seen how hard you were eye-fucking him tonight." She gasped, smacking his shoulder. "Don't say that so loud!"

"Say what?" Yunho said, joining the pair and Nari felt her cheeks heat up. "N-nothing! Wooyoung's just being annoying." Yunho frowned. "I want to be annoying too. Tell me!" She flicked his head and he glared at her. Wooyoung only shrugged. "Just wondering how much trouble she'll be in when the boss man realizes she was eye-fucking San to hell and back tonight." Nari felt her whole face flame in embarrassment. It couldn't have been that bad, right?

"YAH! JUNG WOOYOUNG!" She screamed, slapping a hand over his mouth. Yunho was rolling on the floor, laughing and the others were looking at the trio as if they had lost their heads. "Weirdos." Yeosang muttered. "I mean, Nar. I could see it too. If we noticed, ATINY definitely noticed which means—we should check Twitter!" Yunho said and Wooyoung pulled Nari's hand away. "Already am. You should see some of the gifs they've made. And meme's."

Nari groaned, standing up and walking away from them. "I can't believe I'm friends with you two." The two boys didn't say anything, now both looking at Wooyoung's phone screen. "Want me to rough 'em up?" Hongjoong asked lazily, head leaning back on the wall and eyes closed. Nari snorted. "Looks like you're all for it, oppa." He only hummed, lazily smiling. She grabbed San's wrist and he turned to her. "Can we talk?" He nodded, letting her drag him out of the room.

"What's up?" He asked once they entered the hallway and she looked around, shaking her head. "Not here." She continued to drag him, San becoming more confused by the second until she pulled him into an empty room that wasn't being used, closing the door. "And you needed to talk to me in the dark because?" He said, an uneasy smile on his face. She was acting really weird right now. Nari opened her mouth to say something, but the thought the better of it.

Instead, she took two long strides towards him, grabbing the back of his neck with her hand and crashing her lips on to his. It only took San half a second to realize what was happening and he didn't want to question it. Not right now. So, he tangled his fingers in her hair, kissing her back. Nari's new favorite sport was becoming tonsil hockey. She felt San shift and then she was against the wall, his arms caging her head in. But she didn't dare break the kiss.

She let out a slight moan when he bit her bottom lip, and San stiffened a little bit. He pulled away, forehead leaning against hers as they panted to breath. She still had her eyes closed and he couldn't help but smirk. "What was that for?" He asked backing up to give her space. He said it teasingly, but he honestly wanted to know. It had come out of nowhere. She took in a deep breath, letting it out before pushing herself off the wall and adjusting her shirt. "Nothing. Just felt a little—feverish."

He only chuckled, going back to continue where they left off until they both heard Seonghwa screaming down the hallways. "Nari! San! We can't go home without you two?! Where the hell did they go?" They held their breath, pressed up against each other as he passed the room they were in. Only when his shadow was gone and his voice was further away did they let it out.

"Maybe we should—uhm, go." She said, looking down at the floor. San cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck nervously and stepping away. "Uhm, yeah. I think that's a good idea."

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