Anger Pt. 1

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ATEEZ's first fight

A/N: This was requested by the lovely @scarlettleah26; I hope you like it!  I had to split it into 2 parts to capture everything, stay tuned for part 2!

Seonghwa and Wooyoung were on there way to pick Nari up from her gymnastics class. She had taken up the class in order to help her dancing skills and technique and because of course who doesn't want to be able to contort their body every which way? All the boys were supportive at first, walking her to her practices, sometimes staying and watching them. But when Nari had come home with one too many injuries, Seonghwa started to get worried. Not to mention they were preparing for a comeback as well and Nari was barely eating let alone getting enough sleep. Seonghwa had shook it off; wanting to support his sister, but he was extremely worried about her health. His worries were shared by Hongjoong and Yeosang as well. However, they knew she would always support whatever they wanted to do so they were of course going to have her back.

When Wooyoung and Seonghwa entered the gym, there was a faint smile on Seonghwa's face. Nari was dressed in her pink sparkly leotard with pink joggers covering her bottom. He followed Wooyoung to the side and sat down, knowing that it was probably going to be another 40 minutes before Nari actually stopped. He learned quickly not to pester her to finish up the first time he came to get her. They watched her land a back flip perfectly and Wooyoung cheered causing Nari to wave. "I'm almost done! I just want to get this one flip down first." Wooyoung nodded, watching Nari scurry back to the matt. "This is so cool. We should do it, hyung." Seonghwa snorted. "Please, Woo. There's no way any of us could be that flexible no matter how hard we try." The boys continued watching Nari, and Seonghwa's smiled faltered when he saw her stumble a bit on her way back to the matt. She looked paler than normal.

"Nar, baby, I think you're good for today. You're tired and I'm sure hungry. Let's go home." Seonghwa's voice was gentle but anyone could sense the sternness in it. Nari frowned, shaking her head. "I'm fine, oppa. Just a few more minutes." Seonghwa sighed, sitting back. "She does look a little pale." Wooyoung commented which only caused the worry in Seonghwa to rise more. Seonghwa, having no experience with any type of acrobatics, could tell the second she lifted off the ground to flip, it was wrong. He stood up abruptly, but he knew he wouldn't be able to run over in time to catch her. She landed and Seonghwa swore he could hear a snap. Nari yelped in pain, tears coming to her eyes. Her knee was in pain and a lot of it. She couldn't move it. ''Nari!"

Wooyoung and Seonghwa were at her side in a second, bending down. ''What happened?!" Wooyoung said, looking at her knee which was already turning purple. "M-my knee, I can't move it. It hurts. Oh, god, it hurts." She was in searing pain and couldn't help the tears falling down her face. "Kim Nari! I told you we should've went home!" Seonghwa yelled. He was seething, angry, but mostly worried. "You nearly passed out before you did the last one! Why can't you ever pay attention to your body?!" Nari narrowed her dark eyes at him, "I was fine, oppa. I know when I need to stop." Her response was short and laced with attitude. Wooyoung was at a loss, not sure how to intervene and then he saw Seonghwa's eyes darken, glaring at Nari. "Obviously you don't, Nari! You broke your damn knee! We have a comeback coming up for christ's sake! How could you be so stu-"

"Hyung." Wooyoung stopped him, standing up and facing him. "We can talk about this later, but we need to get her to the hospital." Seonghwa let out a frustrated breath, turning around and stomping towards the entrance. Wooyoung sighed, bending back down. "I can't carry you to the hospital, it's too far. Can you walk at all?" Nari sat up and tried to stand up with the support of Wooyoung but the second she tried putting weight on her darkening knee, she cried out in pain and fell to the ground. "Dammit, Nari." Wooyoung said, panicking. "Don't you start too, Jung Wooyoung." Her voiced was sharp. "He's just worried, Nar. I am too. He's not really mad."

Seonghwa stomped back towards the pair. "I called manager; he'll be here in 10 minutes with a car. Let's go. Wooyoung, help me." He kneeled on her other side, roughly pulled her arm around his shoulder. "You don't have to break my arm too," she commented. Seonghwa glared at her. "Shut up. You have nothing to say right now." Nari opened her mouth to retort but Wooyoung clamped his hand over it. "Let's go." They helped her hop towards the door and every time she thought her leg was going to fall off. It hurt. She felt Seonghwa tighten his grip and smiled. At least he still cared. By the time they reached the doors, their manager was already running towards them, the trio helping her rest of the way to the car.

The short ride to the hospital was dead silent. Seonghwa had a stone face, staring straight ahead and Wooyoung was furiously texting on his phone; probably notifying the rest of the members. When they reached the hospital, Nari was grateful for the wheelchair and even more surprised that Seonghwa was pushing it. She had an x-ray and her knee was indeed broken. The doctor put on a cast and she was laying in the hospital room, the atmosphere awkward. "I'm bored," she sighed and Wooyoung looked up. Seonghwa snapped his eyes to her. "If you wouldn't push yourself and listened when I said it was time to go, you could be at home playing video games with Yunho." Wooyoung groaned. "It's not like I asked for this to happen," Nari retorted, rolling her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me. You may not have asked for it but it's definitely your fault for pushing yourself. Do you know how many performances you're gonna have to just sit here?! Did you even think about your career?! Do you have any responsibility to this?!"

Nari felt tears in her eyes and she couldn't tell if it was from her building anger or the cold tone and harsh words that Seonghwa was using. Sure, they've gotten into fights before, but nothing like this. "If you're just going to sit there and scold me you can leave. The doors right there, oppa." She pointed at the door to her room, narrowing her eyes, taking on the challenge. Seonghwa glared at her. "I'm done with this. Just shut up and wait for the others to get here." He pulled his phone out, scrolling through it and resorted to giving her the silent treatment.

She groaned, in anger and pain, leaning back on the pillows. The door to her room flew open causing Wooyoung to jump but Seonghwa didn't even budge. "KIM NARI!" She shrunk into the bed at the sound of Hongjoong's voice.

If she thought Seonghwa was pissed, she had a whole other wave coming at her.

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