Miniseries: Nari Taking Care of Members: Hongjoong

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Nari takes care of Hongjoong

Nari loved her boys, more than anything. She appreciated everything they do for her and does whatever she can to repay them for it. Hongjoong was always there to scold the others for teasing her too much and always showing her how she was just as much a part of their family as anyone else. Seonghwa made sure to always see a smile on her face, even when there were tears pouring down her face. Yunho never failed to make her laugh, even when he was feeling down. Mingi was always there to cuddle her when she was feeling lonely and make sure she didn't isolate herself when she wasn't feeling okay mentally. San, loves her like no other, and is always there for her no matter what, having her back and supporting her. Wooyoung is always making sure she feels beautiful, even if he has to tell her that a million times a day. Yeosang, even though they argued far too much for anyone's liking, was always by her side when she was feeling hurt and wouldn't leave it until she was feeling better. Jongho was always there to help Nari when he felt like she was being picked on or treated unfairly; she may be his noona but he is in no way, shape or form going to let her feel like she is less than amazing.

Nari needed them to know that she was there for them just as much as they were for her. She didn't care what time of day it was, where it was or who it was; she was always going to have their back. They welcomed her into their family, their group, their friendship and she would raise all hell to anyone who tried to rip them apart. Just like they were the first people to defend her, she would be the first to defend them, even if that meant she had to get physical. Sure, debuting was her dream, her goal to become one of the best rappers in the world, but keeping her family together, letting them know they were never alone is her life goal. It didn't matter if a year from now they had to disband, it didn't matter if 20 years from now they were too old to keep going; she had made it her ultimate life goal to never leave their side and always be a constant in their life.

It was their first time as group overseas, in America. A foreign country that made everyone nervous even if they had all been there before individually. They were there for the extra training, all excited to be able to have this experience together. They were going to film their first music video before they left, they just needed to finish the song. Sure, they had some help from their company, but they were determined to do anything they could on their own so that everyone knew they were working harder than hell to achieve their goals. No one was more determined than Hongjoong. Every night he would hole himself away, working on their track. Nari had woken up in the mornings a few times to see him absent from the small temporary home they had, only to find him fast asleep in the car or sitting straight up in the closet.

Her and the others weren't stupid; they knew he was stressing out more than the rest. They knew he was working his hardest to make the best song he could for them. They knew he was risking his health, his meals, his free time, his relaxation time just to make sure everything went smoothly for them. He never relayed his stresses to anyone, always smiling and laughing when with his members, enjoying the short free times they had with them but right after he would soon be holed away again, the only light being from the screen of his laptop. The others just let it be; knowing Hongjoong was far too stubborn to listen to any of them about taking a break or relaxing. Also knowing that he would never ask them to help unless necessary, not wanting them to feel overworked like he was feeling.

Nari sighed as Seonghwa and Jongho placed a plate of food in front of her. It smelled delicious and her stomach growled. Seonghwa smiled, rubbing her head and moved to bring the rest of the members present their own plate. As they ate in silence, all of them extremely tired and hungry, Nari looked around and noticed they were short one person. "Where's Hongjoong-oppa?" She asked and San shrugged. "Probably off working on the music." She frowned. She couldn't remember the last time she saw Hongjoong have a proper meal, let alone eat with all of them like they did almost every night. She stood up, the metal legs of the chair loudly scraping against the linoleum flooring. "Where are you going? You didn't even finish." Yunho said, nodding towards her plate. "He needs to eat too, and he needs a break." She said while turning around and walking out of the small kitchen.

She walked out towards their car, peering through the tinted windows. She didn't see him and sighed, walking back into the dorm and to the closet that he had claimed as his own studio the past few days. She smiled slightly as he sat there, headphones on, eyes focused on the screen in front of him and fingers furiously tapping over the keys on the keyboard. He didn't notice her open the door, far to focused on his work. He was almost finished. She tapped his shoulder lightly, causing him to jump. "Nari! You scared me," he said, placing a hand over his racing heart. She noticed the stress lines on his forehead and how tired his eyes looked. "Take a break, oppa. Just for a minute. Come eat with us. Please?" He sighed, but smiled, setting his headphones down. "That sounds nice," he stood up, linking his arm with Nari's and happily walking down to enjoy a family meal.

When Nari awoke to a panicked Hongjoong the next morning, her heart broke at the unshed tears in his eyes. He never cried, at least not in front of them. "What's wrong?" She asked worriedly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Someone stole my laptop. They stole it and everything that was on it. I was so close to being finished and now I have to start all over." He sat down, running a hand through his hair with a frustrated sigh. Nari frowned, angry that someone could just take someone else's stuff, but more worried that Hongjoong was going to let this stress eat away at him. She quietly got herself ready as their manager took Hongjoong to the police station to make a report. She grabbed San by the collar of his shirt as he walked past the bathroom, swiftly pulling him in and closing the door. "Nari, what the hell?" he said, making space between them in the small area.

"I need you to come with me to the store," she said quietly, almost whispering. San raised his eyebrow, but didn't question her, nodding and going to grab his shoes. They quietly left the dorm as the others got ready for the day, promising to meet them at the dance studio in a few hours. No one questioned them as they left and Nari was grateful. They entered the store, Nari heading immediately to the electronics section and conversing with the sales associate about different laptops. San stood there, highly confused. Nari didn't use a laptop, she barely talked to anyone. She used her phone for everything. When she had finally picked one and finished checking out, there was a bright smile on her face as the duo made their way to the dance studio. "What's that for?" San said, looking at the bag. "For Hongjoong." San smiled, humming in acknowledgement.

When they entered the studio, they boys were in the middle of a short break, listening to Hongjoong tell them how the police said they would do what they can, but that the chances of finding his laptop and getting back were slim to none. Hongjoong hung his head and San nudged Nari with his elbow to hand the bag to him but she shook her head, hiding it in her duffle bag. "Later," she whispered. They practiced for hours and by the time they were all ready to head back to the dorm for the night, everyone was exhausted and soaked in sweat. Nari, however, couldn't keep the big smile off her face and San couldn't keep his knowing one off his. They arrived, everyone washing up and waiting for the takeout to be delivered. Nari grabbed the new laptop out of her bag, quietly making her way to Hongjoong's room.

Her heart broke when she entered after a soft knock. Hongjoong was laying on his bed, arm across his face with light sniffles. She walked over, kneeling down beside him. "Oppa?" She said quietly and he quickly wiped his face, looking at her with red eyes. "This is for you. I know it can't solve everything, but hopefully it will help take some of the stress away." She handed him the bag and Hongjoong gasped. "Kim Nari! No, nonono. This is too much. Go return it." He said, but Nari shook her head. "I wanted too." Hongjoong looked at her in disbelief, but then a bright smile made it's way across his face. He wrapped her in a hug that Nari happily accepted. "Thank you, bug." He said into her hair and she nodded, patting his back. "Want to help me? Start all over? It'll go faster with two of us." He asked, eyes hopeful. Nari happily accepted, thankful that he was asking for help instead of taking it all on his own.

When the members woke the next morning and frantically searched the small dorm for their missing members; they happily smiled as they saw them both fast asleep in the closet, laptop wide open on Hongjoong's legs while Nari rested her cheek on his shoulder and he rested his head on hers.

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