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Nari turns to Mark to vent out her frustrations

"Everything okay?" Mark asked, taking the seat across from Nari. She had furiously texted him earlier to meet her without giving him much of an option. Why she didn't text San or one of the boys instead, she didn't know. But she was too angry right now to feel guilty about it.

"Something happen with lover boy?" He teased and Nari kicked his shin under the table. Mark yelped, gripping his leg and glaring at her. "Not the time for your shit, Mark Tuan." He rolled his eyes, sitting back and pulling his hat down further.

Of all places, she seemed to pick the most crowded café. "I'm not mad at him. We're perfectly fine, thank you for asking." She said through gritted teeth, hand gripping her coffee cup just a little too hard. Mark sighed, reaching over and gently prying her death grip off the poor cup.

"What's got you so heated then?" He asked and she ripped her hand away from his touch. She was not about to go down this line again. "It's Harin. Park Harin. That stupid, little, friend of mine." She said and Mark chuckled. "Cat fight?"

She glared at him but he quickly moved his legs before she could kick him again. "She's been having . . . relationship stuff with one of my members. And I tried to nicely tell her how it looked from the outsider perspective. And we fought and she told me I was nosy and that it was none of my business."

She spit the last part out like it was poison. Mark raised an eyebrow, biting his cheek. "Can I be honest, and you don't kick me?" He asked as she narrowed her eyes. She thought if a boy was attracted to you, they'd automatically take your side. Apparently, that's not how Mark Tuan works.

"She's right. It really is none of your business." Nari's mouth dropped open. And while she knew there was some truth behind that, it couldn't completely not be her business. She lived with Yunho. Trained with him. See's him everyday of her life. He's one of her best friends, her family, her brother. How can she just go about and ignore it?

"Better close your mouth before a fly goes in. Or, ya know, a really funny tabloid photo." She closed her mouth, glaring at him. "I don't know why I called you. I'm going home." She stood up, chair legs scratching loudly on the floor.

Mark groaned, grabbing her wrist. "Just sit!" She glared at him a little more before reluctantly sitting back down. She was on the defense though. If there weren't a million people around, she'd smack his face into the table or pour her coffee over his head. She smirked a little at her thoughts. When did she become so violent?

"I live with him, Mark. I see him 24/7. He's my member, my brother. Just like your members. Wouldn't you feel the same if it appeared one of your friends was cheating on your band member?" Mark took his time to think before replying.

"Yeah. I'd be pissed. But at the same time, do you know that she for sure is cheating? Or did you just speculate? Because I can be attracted to someone or think someone else is cute but still want nothing more than the person I'm with." She shuddered a little at how his brown orbs bore into hers.

She shook her head, biting her lip as she averted her gaze to her dented coffee cup. "No. I don't think she would. I just—I wanted her to know how it looked to him. How it was perceived by others." Mark clicked his tongue. "If it was me, I'd be there for my member and my friend."

She looked up, a little confused. "I'm sure you're not the only one who's had this thought. And I'm assuming you said something because they haven't been talking, yeah? So, she's struggling too. Not knowing what's going on and then you just barge in like you're the queen and tell her she's basically cheating."

Nari sucked in a breath. "I—I'd be a little pissed too." Mark hummed, nodding his head. "Sure, he's your member, Nar. But even if he was blood related, their relationships aren't your business. Unless they're like being hurt. You gotta let them figure it out. Just be a good friend."

Nari slumped back in her chair, groaning and running her fingers through her hair. "I really messed up, huh?" She breathed and Mark chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah. She'll still talk to you. Just give her time to cool down. But you should apologize to her. Ya know, for butting into business that wasn't yours."

He winked and she kicked him again, him not being able to move his legs fast enough. He growled, holding his shin and glaring at her. "I swear to god I'm going to kill you," he said and Nari just smirked. "What? You're gonna throw a laptop at me?" Mark's glare darkened as she stood up, giving him a quick hug. "Thanks, Markipoo!"

She returned home, sighing as she kicked her shoes off and dropping her bag on the floor. She failed to miss the wary look Seonghwa gave her as he came to scold her for being so messy. "Please pick up your bag. And put your shoes on the rack." She rolled her eyes. "So naggy today."

He narrowed his eyes and grabbed her wrist. "You're gonna only want me nagging in the next few minutes." He walked away and she looked at him confused. What did that mean? She shrugged it off, walking to her room and frowning when Hongjoong wasn't in there. She really hated when he worked late.

However, their bedroom door was thrown open by a fuming Hongjoong and Yeosang. "What's with you two?" She asked, popping her hip out. "Are you serious? You can't be fucking serious?" Hongjoong seethed and she could practically see the steam coming out of his ears. "What did I do this time?" She said, throwing her hands up and walking towards her dresser.

She was far to exhausted to put up with anymore today. "Actually, could you tell me tomorrow? I've had a long day and I'd much rather just change into baggy clothes and cuddle San." Yeosang snorted, shaking his head. "He doesn't want to cuddle with you anymore. Or anything else for that matter." Nari stopped dead in her tracks, turning around and glaring her meanest glare at the boy.

"Not today, Yeo. Not today." He scoffed, crossing his arms before tossing his phone at her (which he purposely let drop). "I wasn't joking." She picked the phone up, Hongjoong still way to angry to really speak. She looked down at the screen, the phone falling to the ground again as her hands covered her mouth. Her stomach dropped.

She had been so stupid to pick such a crowded place. She had been stupid not to call one of the boys to meet her. There on the screen of Yeosang's (unfortunately, not cracked) phone was a new headline; a breaking story. Pictures of her Mark, at the café. When he pried her hand off the coffee cup, when she hugged him at the end. When he grabbed her wrist as she was about to leave.

She looked up, definitely not ready to face anything Hongjoong needed to say at the moment but instead she felt her stomach drop even farther, her throat dried up and unshed tears built in her eyes. There was San, in all his beautiful glory, glaring at her like she was nothing but a spec of dirt.

"San, I—" she stopped when he put his hands up, breathing in sharply before opening his eyes and staring at her again. She felt the first tear drop as there was absolutely no emotions in his eyes or face. And heart broke at the two words he said before walking off.

"Not today."

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