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The fans have some fun with ATEEZ at a fansign

A/N: Request from @BangtansIllegirl1; I hope you like it!

Nari talked animatedly with the young female fan in front of her. "You're really my role model. You're so confident, it gives me confidence." Nari cooed at the girl; sure she's heard it a million times before but it will never fail to make her happy. To know that her just being her is enough to inspire others and give them a little confidence in themselves makes her happy. It's exactly her goal for her career; to inspire and be a good role model for others. Especially young girls in this day in age. "If you work hard enough, I'm sure you can surpass me one day." She winked and the girl giggled, blushing slightly.

"Eonni, there's a rumor going around that Ravn likes you!" the girl said and it caught Nari off guard. She sat up a little straighter but kept the smile on her face. "Is that so? We're just friends. Besides," she nodded her head to the boys around her. "I don't think any of them would like that very much." The girl laughed with her before moving on. Nari breathed out a sigh of relief, slumping in her seat slightly before Yeosang elbowed her. "Sit up you grinch. You're an idol." She rolled her eyes but sat up, waiting patiently for the next fan. They took a short break, the members talking and teasing each other before Nari heard some fans calling out about Ravn.

San and Hongjoong's eyes were narrowed in on the small group, but eventually more fans started getting involved. "Nari-ah!" One fan called out and she picked up her mic, answering for them to go on. "Ravn thinks you're cute! You should go on a date!" Nari's face flushed slightly and she saw San tense up and Hongjoong let out an uneasy laugh. Fuck it, Nari thought, a smirk playing on her face and deciding to go along with the teasing. "Maybe I will! We're good friends and I think he's pretty cute too." She smiled and the fans squealed. San and Yunho shot wide eyes to her, at a loss for words. It took everything for Nari not to laugh at their shock and continue on with her little game.

"Do you think you two could ever do a collab?!" Another fan shouted and Nari shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing is impossible," she winked and another yell was heard from the fans. "Oppa! Don't you think they would make a cute couple?" The question was directed towards Seonghwa who's eyes were wide. He coughed, stuttering into his mic. "S-sure. But we're far too busy. I think being friends is better."

"Seonghwa oppa, you wouldn't support me?" Nari said with a pout on her face and she heard some fans laugh. Seonghwa looked at her, not sure what game she was playing at but he was not happy that he was all of sudden in the middle of it. "I always support you!" She laughed, throwing her head back. San stood up suddenly, shaking his head with wide eyes at the fans. "No! She's too young for that! She can't do those things!" The fans laughed and Nari laughed. Yeosang rolled his eyes while Wooyoung smirked. Both boys were aware that San was doing his best to hide his jealousy but anyone with eyes could see that he was failing miserably.

"You're only a few months older than me!" Nari said looking at him and San shook his head. He walked over and pinched her cheek. "ATINY, you can't possibly want this cute face to be snatched up by someone. It's too innocent." The fans laughed and Yeosang kicked his shin from under the table. He yelped in pain, narrowing his eyes at a smirking Yeosang. "San's right everyone!" Hongjoong said, standing up and walking towards the crowd. "She's just a baby, she barely even knows what a boy is!" Nari yelled in protest but it wasn't heard over the laughter of her members and the crowd.

"As fun as teasing us and Nari has been, let's just leave it as they're friends and nothing more and get back to the fan sign!" Yunho said, smiling brightly and the fans cheered in agreement. The rest of the fan sign went on with lighthearted jokes and comments directed towards them about Nari and Ravn. The fans lived for seeing all the boys get overprotective of her and she didn't mind too much either. Once they returned to their waiting room, Nari sunk into the couch and leaned her head back. "You didn't mean that, right?!" San said, stomping up to her. Nari opened one eye, peeking at him. She could still have fun. She shrugged her shoulders, smirking. "Maybe, maybe not."

"Kim Nari!" She jumped at Mingi's loud voice. "How could you sit up there and say that?! Do you know the rumors you've just started?!" She laughed, shaking her head. "You worry too much, oppa. It was just some lighthearted fun." Mingi shook his head, profusely denying. "You can't possible think Ravn is cute?! Do you even know what that word means? What about us?" She sat up, hissing at him to shut up. "Seriously. It was some joking around. And yes, I do know what that word means thank you very much. I'm not a child." Mingi scoffed, turning around and walking off. "Could've fooled me." Yeosang muttered as he passed by and Nari narrowed her eyes.

"You really think he's cute?!" San said again and Nari laughed, pulling him down on the couch with her and wrapping around him like a koala. "I think everyone is cute, San-ie." She said, kissing his cheek. He felt his cheeks heat up. "But I'm the cutest, right?" He asked, semi-teasing. She laughed, snuggling her face into the crook of his neck and placed a small kiss on his neck. He felt goosebumps erupt on his body and he shivered a little.

"You're always the cutest."

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