Best Friends

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Nari see's Harin

"I am here!" Nari sing-songed as she opened the door to the small practice room. Harin looked up and immediately a large smile was on her face. She bounced over to the girl, wrapping her in a hug. "I missed you!" She said dramatically and Nari chuckled, pushing her off. "You're gonna make me smell," she teased.

Harin rolled her eyes and Nari followed her into the room. "I brought food because, well, because I was hungry to be honest. I don't care if you eat," Nari said, setting the bag of snacks down. Harin smacked her shoulder and Nari stuck her tongue out at her. "You've been so busy lately I haven't heard from you. If it wasn't for watching you on Kingdom, I'd think you were ghosting me." Harin teased and Nari groaned.

She dramatically fell onto Harin's lap, covering her forehead with her hand. "It's been so hard, Rin-ah. I don't think I'm going to make it." Harin scoffed, pushing her off. "Yah! Is that anyway to treat your elders!" Harin rolled her eyes. "You're barely older than me." Nari flipped her off, digging into her snacks.

"You've been doing great on Kingdom though! Your last performance had us in awe." Nari raised her brow, "us?" Harin nodded, taking a bite of the chocolate bar. "Soobin's been watching with me. He's friends with everyone and I'm pretty sure he thinks Younghee is hot." Nari almost choked on her candy, looking at Harin with wide eyes. "What?! Why haven't you told me this?! I could have been playing matchmaker this whole time!"

Harin rolled her eyes at the girl. "I don't actually know if he does; but he's been all giddy since a few days ago. Said he ran into somebody. And he blushed a lot when you brought her over that one time. I think that means he likes her or something. I'm not really sure." Nari stared at the girl in disbelief. How could she not know?

"You live with him! You've known him your whole life! And you don't know how he acts when he likes someone?" Harin only shrugged. "Not really. I don't even remember him ever actually talking a girl like that to be honest. Plus, it wasn't as if my relationship started off normal, either. There was thirteen of you playing matchmaker or whatever you want to call it." Nari huffed, pointing her finger at her, "and it damn well worked, didn't it?! If it wasn't for us you and Yunho would not be. You two are too damn shy for your own good."

Harin rolled her eyes at Nari. She could be so dramatic sometimes. "Anyways, how's the solo stuff coming? Doesn't your best friend get a sneak peek?" Nari said, batting her eyelashes. Harin pretended to gag. "No one is getting a sneak peak of anything. And who said you were my best friend?"

"Well, we all know it's not Seulki." Harin frowned at how bitter Nari sounded. "Sorry, sorry," Nari said, "it's just, I've tried messaging her and calling her a few times and she just leaves me on read. I get she's busy, but even I reply to people after days have gone by!" Harin rolled her eyes, smiling at her. "You're so needy." Nari only stuck her tongue out at her again.

"Have you talked to Jane?" Harin asked quietly and Nari sighed, nodding her head. "Yeah, for a few minutes. She's really not doing well. I sent her some small gifts like food and stuff, just to let her know I was here. But I think she needs time to heal on her own first." Harin hummed and the two were silent for a while. The door swung open and Nari jumped. She didn't know someone else was supposed to be coming. She was more surprised when she saw Yugyeom walking through the door.

When she was training for flips with Mark and Jackson, Yugyeom was there a few times. They weren't exactly friends, but they were acquaintances. Why he was here, Nari had no idea. "Ah, hello!" Nari said with a bow, kicking Harin to make her stand up and properly greet their sunbae. Harin only glared at her. "Ah! I didn't know you had company, sorry. Hello!" Yugyeom said, bowing back.

"Yugyeom helped me choregraph the dance," Harin said and Nari hummed. "Can I at least see the dance? Without the music since you're so stubborn." Harin groaned but agreed. "Fine! If it'll make you shut up." Nari jumped for joy, excitedly sitting down and ready to watch. Even without the music, the dance was perfect. Both of them displayed the emotions effortlessly that Nari knew once it was paired with the music, it was going to be epic.

"That was so good!" Nari said, giving the two a solo standing ovation. Harin was catching her breath and smiled, thanking her. "You're dancing with him? Like, are you going to be in it? As partners! Because that was just great." Harin and Yugyeom laughed at her. "He is." Nari nodded her head in approval before narrowing her eyes on Yugyeom.

"You may be older than me but any funny business and I'll make sure you can't dance ever again!" Yugyeom looked shocked at her words and his cheeks heated up a little. "I—there's no—I like someone else," he said with his hands raised. Harin groaned. "Oh! You do?! Who?! I'm really good at—" Harin slapped her hand over Naris' mouth. "Sorry about her, she doesn't know when to shut up. She was actually about to leave too."

Harin turned her towards the door, pushing her out. "God, woman! You never let me have any fun. And what about my snacks?!" Harin only smiled at her, blowing her a kiss. "I'll make sure I eat them diligently!" She closed the door and Nari was truly feeling betrayed. How could she just kidnap her snacks like that?

She was going to be in need of a new best friend.

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