Kingdom: Legendary War: The Real

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ATEEZ on last episode of Kingdom

When the members had shown up at the rooftop dressed in their clad outfits, Nari was confused. "Why'd you bring us here?" She asked as she sat down next to Hongjoong. "I wanted to get food. And be stylish while doing it." She rolled her eyes playfully at him. But she wouldn't say no to free food.

They were talking and reminiscing on the last few months of Kingdom and it was bittersweet for Nari. She loved that they had been able to show ATEEZ's true color and gain more fans from it. She also was excited for the new friendships she had made while on the show.

But she was happy for the break they were about to have. They had been working nonstop for Kingdom and to be able to just breathe and rest for a minute was something she was definitely looking forward too.


As they finished up their stage, Nari was breathing heavily. It was one of her favorite stages they had done on the whole show. She felt like they were just messing around in the practice room instead of actually performing and she thought that was what made it all the much better.

She stuck by San's side, knowing that even though he was smiling he was still struggling a little. She wanted to keep the smile on his face or at least help him to. He didn't have to be here. The company even told him he could sit this last stage out, but he had refused, wanting to see it through until the end and not disappoint their fans.

She knew the fans would have understood, but she knew that when San made up his mind there was very little anyone could do to change it. It only made her fall more in love with him. They silently watched the other groups perform, clapping and cheering at the end of each one.

In a way, Nari didn't want it to end. It was hard at times and a lot of work, but she had had fun. When the vocal performance started, Nari was cheering for Jongho. The youngest of them was so talented and she was proud and happy that he was able to show off his range a few times on the show.

She—along with a lot of the other groups—were also blown away by Younghee's vocals. It wasn't that they hadn't heard them before or that she didn't sing; but she didn't have many lines in their songs to really showcase her talent and hearing her hitting all the notes perfectly left Nari awestruck.

"It's time to crown the King," the host said and Nari held her breath as she gripped San's hand and Jongho's. Both boys squeezed back with just as much intensity. She felt more nervous right now than she had at all ever in her idol career.

She wasn't expecting to win. They were still a fairly new group and still not too well-known in Korea. But just like all the other groups there, she did want to win. She just wouldn't be upset if they didn't win. In her opinion, all of the groups deserved to win the crown.

"Stray Kids!" Nari jumped to her feet and was hooting and hollering for the group. She knew Stray Kids had a large fan base, internationally and within Korea so she wasn't all that surprised. They had put on some amazing stages the whole show too.

"Wolfgang!" She cheered out and heard someone mimic her. She ran over and immediately hugged Younghee who seemed to be in complete shock. "Congratulations!" She smiled excitedly as she hugged the girl. "You did so good! And why did I not know you had those pipes on you?" she winked and Younghee's cheeks heated up at the compliment.

They went out and got their trophy, gave their thanks speech and then the groups were bombarding them again with hugs. After filming stopped, Nari was back in their dressing room and her excitement had left her and now all she wanted to do was eat some food and sleep.

"You okay?" Seonghwa asked, sitting next to her. She smiled lazily at him and nodded. "Better than great. Just sleepy." He chuckled and helped the girl finish taking her mic pack off. "Well, we'll get some good food and then some good sleep." She nodded in response.

"I'm so proud of us," she beamed and Seonghwa smiled gently at her. "I am too. We did great. We placed third overall!" She nodded and agreed with him. "This is just our next step for world domination," she teased and Seonghwa chuckled.

"I don't know if the world is ready for you to dominate it yet," he teased with a wink and Nari playfully shoved him. "They'll be ready. We're coming." Seonghwa chuckled again and nodded.

"The world may be ready, but I don't know if I'm ready. Letting all that power go to your head. You'll be a true diva," he teased and she snorted.

"As if she isn't already?" Yeosang chimed in from behind her.


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