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Nari stands up for Yeosang

"That sounds good," Hongjoong said, taking down more notes. They currently in a meeting about their next album. It was written out and the guide tracks were ready to go. Right now they were in the hardest part: line distributions. Nari was fairly used to getting one or two lines for rap, sometimes more but Hongjoong and Mingi were the main rappers and she was okay with that.

It never really bothered her to not be put in the spotlight. Sure, she had some solo songs out there, but she was more than happy to give everyone else the limelight. She never liked all eyes on her anyways. However, she also knew that Wooyoung and Yeosang rarely got more than one or two lines in a song, period. Sometimes only a word or two. And that didn't sit right with her.

Yeosang had been the one that taught her how to sing, encouraged to go to vocal lessons and even doing them with her when his personal schedules allowed. Wooyoung she knew worked hard for where he was and for what he could do. It never came easy or naturally to him like most idols. She loved all her members and if there was a way to write a song that would allow for all of them to have an even distribution, that'd be great. But this was reality and she knew that was close to impossible.

"I don't see why we can't have Yeosang try this part." Nari said, pointing to a large section that had been given to San. Eden looked over the part a few times before he shrugged. "He can try it, but I don't think his vocal range will be the right fit for the vibe." Nari narrowed her eyes. Eden had always been honest with them and she knew none of what he meant was to be insulting. Part of being a producer was knowing what worked and what didn't. Let alone making sure those actually singing the parts weren't straining their vocal cords and causing damage.

"Can't you at least let him try it out? Maybe it'll work better than what you have in your head right now." She said and Yeosang tapped her leg, whispering into her ear. "It's fine, Nar." She shook her head. "It's not fine, Yeo. You work hard and I think we should give you a chance to show everyone just how hard." Yeosang didn't say anything, biting his lip and looking down at the table. He knew he worked hard and he didn't think that anyone else didn't think he did. But he was used to the few lines and to be quite honest, he was a little nervous to have such a big part.

"I see your point. Yeosang, are you fine with that?" Eden asked. Yeosang shook his head. "I can try it." Eden smiled, clapping his hands and standing up. "Shall we head to the recording booth, then?" Everyone stood up, trailing behind him to the small room. "Why'd you have to go all mom?" Yeosang hissed at Nari and she scoffed, bumping his shoulder which caused him to bump into Wooyoung who bumped into the wall. Nari giggled, moving away as Wooyoung tried to bump her back. "Behave!" Hongjoong snapped, eyes narrowed on the trio.

"I didn't go all 'mom'," she breathed, "I truly think you deserve more than a few words in every song." She said and Yeosang shook his head. "I was fine with how it was." She huffed, rolling her eyes. "Oppa, I've seen how hard you practice. You taught me. You encouraged me. Now it's my turn. I think-no-I know you can nail this." He sighed, bumping her lightly with a soft smile on his face. "I guess I'll have to try."

Yeosang stepped into the booth while the rest of them waited on the outside, watching him. He gulped and Nari could tell he was nervous. However, Wooyoung walked in quickly whispering something in his ear that cause him to grin and nod his head. Seconds later he had the headphones on and was giving a thumbs up to start. He did perfect; just like Nari knew he would. He hit all the notes perfectly, even adding in his own twist on some which Eden seemed to like.

Everyone was on their feet cheering and clapping when he finished, and he wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. "That was more nerve wrecking than I thought it would be." The others laughed and Eden smiled proudly. "I think this part would be absolutely great for you. What do you think?" Yeosang nodded, smiling brightly and the other agreed. San was already jumping in to give him more parts but Eden told him to knock it off.

He stepped out, Mingi and Hongjoong recording their parts before Eden decided to call it a day and pick back up the next morning. Nari yawned, stretching her limbs and massaging her kneecap. She had it bent for too long and now it was sore. "You need your brace?" Yeosang asked and she raised an eyebrow. "No. But even if I did, I don't have it." He reached into his bag, pulling out her brace. She laughed. "You just carry that around with you?"

He rolled his eyes, shoving it back into his bag. "I keep it on me just in case. You never know what could happen." He murmured and she smiled, kissing his cheek. "Thanks, oppa." He rubbed his cheek furiously, his ears turning red. "Gross! You kiss San with those lips and god knows where else those lips have-" he was cut off by Yunho slapping a hand over his mouth. "I really don't want to hear about Nari and San's sexual escapades."

"Their WHAT?!" Seonghwa and Hongjoong yelled in unison and Nari's cheeks turned a dark shade of red. She glared at Yunho and Yeosang who were trying not to laugh. She looked to San for help who just whistled and shook his head, bolting out the door. Nari narrowed her eyes further. If he thought he was getting anything for the next month now, he had another thing coming.

"He was-just joking-joking!" Nari said, frantically waving her hands around. Seonghwa pinched the bridge of his nose and Hongjoong groaned. "I thought we said no shenanigans!" Nari shrugged, biting her tongue. "You said not in the dorm." Hongjoong's mouth dropped open. "Are you telling me that you two have been sneaking away to somewhere else?!" She slapped her hands over her mouth, shaking her head as if her life depended on it. She was really bad at this.

"That's it," Seonghwa said, grabbing Nari's wrist and pulling her along. "You're getting a chastity belt and I'm keeping the key. You two will never be out of someone's sight again." Nari groaned, glaring back at Yunho and Yeosang who were bent over in laughter. Yeosang flicked her off, a proud smirk on his face and she sneered at him as Seonghwa pulled her around the corner and out of sight.

If he thought any of his precious toys were going to be found at home, he had another thing coming. And if San thought that he could get away with leaving her to deal with it all, he could kiss his plushies goodbye.

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