I Like You

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Nari vents her frustrations to Mark

Nari stomped her way into the dance studio. She was still reeling from San's attitude yesterday and had refused to talk to him. They still weren't on speaking terms and throwing each other glares every time they saw each other. She huffed again, getting even more mad at how childish he was being.

She threw the door open, causing Mark to jump as it banged on the wall. "You alright?" He asked, standing up and looking at her with a raised brow. "Why are boys so frustrating?!" She said, voice louder than normal. She threw her bag down, practically ripping her shoes out of it and harshly shoving her feet into them.

Mark was doing his best not to laugh. "What—ah—happened?" He asked, coughing to cover up his impending chuckle. "YOU!" She yelled, standing up and starting to stretch. Mark's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. "What did I do?! I haven't seen you in a week!"

Nari sighed, shoulders slumping. "Sorry. It's not you. It's San and me. But you're the cause of it." She looked at him and he came to her, pushing her shoulder with his hand and forcing her to sit. He sat next to her, brown orbs boring into hers. "Tell me what happened."

She took a breath, trying to keep her bubbling anger from exploding on the wrong person. "He got jealous that you've been teaching me alone. And then you texted me that utterly lame joke—"

"Yah! It was funny!" He said, narrowing his eyes.

Nari shook her head. "We can talk later about how it was so not funny, but that's not the point right now." He cleared his throat, nodding for her to go on. "He got so mad and I know he struggles with himself sometimes, but god I just want to wring his little neck." She clamped her hands together and Mark chuckled.

"I mean, he has every right to be jealous." Mark said, leaning back on his hands, a lopsided smile on his face. Nari looked at him, confused. "If you were my girl and training one-on-one with someone as hot as me, I'd be jealous too." Nari smacked his leg, rolling her eyes and standing up.

"You're ridiculous, Mark Tuan." She mumbled and he laughed, standing up. "Maybe so. But also, I like you. So, there's bound to be jealousy. Ready to start?" Nari stood there, eyes wide, mouth open, wondering if she had heard that right. Mark walked to the matt's, tapping his foot and waiting as if he hadn't just said anything.

"Did you—you didn't really—you like me?!" She squeaked and Mark shrugged, feigning indifference. "You're kinda hard not to like, Kim Nari. I'm sure every male you've met has crushed on you at some point." She still stood there, frozen and in shock trying to take in all this new information.

"But, why?! I told you that I'm dating someone!" She really just couldn't wrap her head around how someone like Mark Tuan could like a nobody like her. Mark rolled his eyes, getting impatient. "Which is exactly why I haven't said anything nor tried anything. I'm not a homewrecker."

"But you have some attraction towards me. So, I'll take that for now and be there to pick up your heart when he breaks it." Mark said and Nari shook her head, completely overwhelmed. She didn't feel right being here without San or someone else. Because Mark was right.

She did have an attraction towards him; but who wouldn't? He's fucking Mark Tuan. But as for romantic feelings? She had none for Mark. She truly loved San and would do anything for him. She'd take a bullet for any of her members, but for San, she'd march right up to the shooter and take them out before they even had a chance to think of firing.

"Mark—I'm sorry. I don't—I can't—I don't like you that way. I thought we were just friends." She breathed and Mark smiled, ruffling her hair. "I know that, babo. I'm not here to ruin your relationship. I'm not a homewrecker. But I do think we should take a rain check and you go talk to lover boy. I know I'd want to know if some dude confessed to my girlfriend."

She smiled, hugging him. "Thank you. See you tomorrow?" Mark nodded, picking up her bag and handing it to her. Before she walked out of the door, Mark grabbed her around her waist, mouth next to her ear. "Just know if it doesn't work out, you got my number."

It sent shivers down her spine and he gently pushed her on her way, a smirk on his face. He never said he wouldn't flirt or tease, but he just did that for amusement. She sprinted out to the bus, impatiently waiting for it and asking the bus driver to step on it once she got on. She was met with a grunt.

"Why are you back so early?" Seonghwa asked as she barged through the door. She shook her head. "No time, oppa! Where's San?!" Seonghwa pointed towards his room, raising an eyebrow. She bolted, throwing his door open. He practically fell off his bunk out of fear.

"Jesus, Nari! Are you trying—" He was cut off by her lips meeting his passionately. He moaned slightly, pulling her close to him, fingers threading through her hair. They pulled back, breathing in gulps of air. "I thought we were fighting?" He asked.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face into his chest. "I don't want to fight. I want to talk to you about something and I don't want to fight. I love you." She said in one breath and San raised a brow, starting to worry. He led her to Yunho's bunk, sitting her down and waiting for her. "Mark confessed to me."

Well, that was definitely not what he was expecting. 

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