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San takes Nari's mind off things

"Hey, you!" San said as Nari walked out of the bathroom. She pulled the towel tighter around her chest and turned around. "You really can't wait until I put clothes on, hm?" She teased and San only winked at her. "I'd much prefer you without clothes, but you need to be in clothes to come out with me."

She raised her eyebrow at him. "Go out? San, don't we have to go practice in like two hours?" She held up her blank wrist, pointing at her pretend watch. They were so busy these days with Kingdom and San filming for the new drama he was in with the others, they barely had time to think for themselves let alone go out. "We only need an hour where I'm taking you."

Nari spun on her heels with a little 'hmph.' "Guess it's not the bedroom then." She bumped into someone's chest, Yeosang glaring down at her in disgust. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't just hear that. Go put clothes on you heathen." He flicked her forehead and continued his trek to wherever he was going before Nari could hit him.

"Just get ready," San said with a sweet smile and Nari sighed, walking into her room and closing the door. Hongjoong had been at the company since last night and hadn't come home, Seonghwa had said he was bringing him food and making sure he got some sleep. So, it was a rare time when Nari had the room to herself. Their new dorm was big, including the rooms. But she hadn't been ready to part with her roomies yet. Change wasn't something she was fond of.

She hoped they weren't do anything fancy because she slipped into her practice clothes. Black leggings with a white crop top and threw a zip up hoodie over herself. She grabbed her mask and slipped her shoes on, grabbing her bag and walking out. "I'm ready!" She called out and was relieved to see San also dressed in his clothes for practice.

"Where are you going?" Yunho asked the two and before either could respond, Yeosang shouted from his bedroom, "apparently not the bedroom!" Nari was ready to rip his throat out but San pushed her out the door, promising Yunho they wouldn't be late. "I hate him," Nari muttered as they waited for the elevator to bring them down and San chuckled, linking their hands together. "He only does it because you react everytime."

Nari grumbled to herself and San chuckled at her. "You're cute when you pout," he teased and she smacked his arm. "You're supposed to be on my side!" He only shrugged and even behind his mask, she knew he was smiling by the way the corner of his eyes crinkled up. "You're just fun to rile up. It's why we all do it." She rolled her eyes and stepped off once the doors opened, San falling into step beside her easily.

"So, where are we going?" She asked after they stepped outside. The weather was nice today and Nari wished they could just take today off so she could enjoy it. Oh, the tragic life of an idol. In her mild self-loathing, San led her to a small café only a few minutes from their dorm. "Coffee date?" She said with bright eyes and San nodded, holding the door open for her.

Once they had their coffee's they sat down and she sipped on hers. She stared out the window in a daydream, really wishing she could enjoy the weather more today. "I'm sorry," San said suddenly and Nari turned her gaze on to him, confused. "For what?"

"Being so busy lately. We've barely had time to even watch a TV show together." Nari smiled warmly at him, laying her hand on top of his. "Hey, you don't need to apologize. You're working on a drama and a survival show at the same time. And a comeback. We're all busy. I would never hold that against you, San-ah." She meant it. It was pointless to hold things like that against any of the boys or her friends. It was a busy career; it was expected there would be little time.

"Well, I just wanted to take you out. Even if for only a few minutes. I saw the weather was going to be nice today so I thought maybe we could walk to the company together. I know you like the sun so, it's not much but at least you'd get to enjoy it somewhat." Nari chuckled at him and gave his hand a squeeze, standing up. "Let's start walking!"

San happily followed her out and the two walked to work together, teasing and having light conversation the whole way. It was times like these, when Nari could feel almost normal and not like a million cameras were on her at once that she cherished most with any of her members. But especially with San.

"Hey," Nari said, grabbing San's wrist and turning him to face her. They were almost to the company. "Thank you," she said, discreetly kissing his cheek. She could see the tips of his ears burning red and his eyes turning into crescents as he smiled. "I just thought you could use a little getting your mind off things since it's been a little crazy lately. It wasn't much, but I hope it helped."

She linked their arms together, pulling him along. "It was perfect," she mused. She had a bright smile on her face the rest of the day.

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