Green Eyed Monster

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Jealousy rears its ugly head between the new couple

Nari was jumping excitedly as they were about to appear on another show with Oneus. It had been some months since they last saw their friends and she was more than happy to be around more people than just her boys. San came up to her side, lightly brushing her hand with his and smiling. "I don't think I've ever seen you so excited." He teased and Nari smiled, shaking her head.

"I always get excited when I see my friends." She said, grabbing two bottles of water and handing him one. San smirked, "don't you ever get that excited to see me?" He teased, but he was also wanting to hear that being in his presence could make her just as giddy. She nodded, humming to herself. "Nope!" She said and San frowned, rolling his eyes.

"Let's go lovebirds," Yunho cooed, pushing them forward. "We have a show to do!" San was grumbling to himself and Nari nudged his shoulder. "Of course I'm happy to see you, oppa. But I see you practically every day. This is a different kind of excited." San smiled softly, nodding his head. Everyone covered their ears as Nari let out a squeal, running forward to the Oneus members.

"I MISSED YOU ALL SO MUCH!" She yelled, jumping into Ravn's arms. He barely caught her, but managed to hang on as his face flushed a dark shade of red. Everyone laughed at her overdramaticness. Everyone except San. His eyes narrowed at Ravn's hands hooked around Nari's waist and he felt a bubble of jealousy as he saw him blush. He wanted nothing more than to run over there and tear her away, but he couldn't. No one but their members and company knew they were dating, and he couldn't go against the company's rules. At least not right now.

"There's my girl!" Leedo smiled brightly as Nari jumped down and gave him a hug. "How've you been?" She smiled brightly, twirling her pigtail. "Pretty good! You know. The usual work until I pass out and then get scolded by Hongjoong-oppa for being lazy." Hongjoong smacked her shoulder and Nari giggled. "Kidding!"

San felt his jealousy coming in full force the more he watched her hug and mingle with the other group members. He didn't want to be that guy. But something about Ravn just didn't sit right. Especially when he could clearly see Ravn was making no attempt at tearing his eyes away from her today. Seonghwa stepped beside him, wrapping his arms over his shoulders. "Get it together, San-ah." He hissed in his ear.

San shrugged him off, rolling his eyes and plastering a smile on his face before going and greeting the members one by one. His handshake with Ravn lasted a little longer than normal and he secretly filled with pride as he caught Ravn shaking his hand out discretely after a particularly firm handshake. "Let's get the party started!" Hwanwoong said and a few minutes later, the cameras were rolling.

They played some games and San couldn't help but wallow in anger as Nari chose to join Oneus for their segment to keep the teams as even as possible. Every time he heard her laugh at something Ravn said or playfully punched his arm, he saw red. Wooyoung nudged him with his elbow. "Calm down, Hulk. They're just friends." San sighed, shaking his head and really trying his best to just enjoy the game they were currently playing.

When they had a short break, Nari waltzed up to him, sitting down next to him and putting her head on his shoulder. "How's ATEEZ without the wonderful me?" She teased and San scoffed. "Calmer. And more fun." Nari scrunched her nose, leaning back to look at him. "Really? Could've fooled me. With your clenched jaw and eyes glancing at me every 5 seconds." She teased and San shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Me? Never." Nari snorted, linking their arms together. "If I knew any better, I'd think you're jealous." She said and San sighed. "Is it really that obvious?" Nari looked at him with her wide, brown eyes and mouth open. She let out a laugh. "W-wait. You're seriously jealous?!" San groaned, leaning back onto the wall. "How could I not be with you all wrapped up in some other guy?" He said and Nari laughed harder.

She calmed down when she saw that he was becoming increasingly annoyed. She kissed his cheek and he had to stop himself from kissing her on the lips. "The only person I want to be wrapped up in," she purred in his ear, "is you." She kissed his neck quickly before jumping up and making her way back on the set. San sat there for a moment, goosebumps erupting all over his skin and a furious shade of red on his neck and cheeks.

San could tease; it was his specialty. He loved to tease. His members, his fans, Nari, his manager. But the way Nari teased him made him want nothing more than to just be living a normal life, out of the spotlight, just for a day so he could show her what being wrapped in someone really meant. "San-ah, you okay?" Yeosang asked and San's eyes snapped over to everyone. He had been lost in thought he didn't even notice that everyone was waiting on him.

He cleared his throat and stood up, walking back to join in the festivities, feeling much better than he did when they first arrived. He was still fighting the urge to pull Nari away from Ravn, but her words kept repeating in his head. The only person I want to be wrapped up in is you. He shivered, not being able to focus the rest of the time. And in the end, it caused ATEEZ's demise in the game tournament.

As they walked to the car to head home, Nari linked her arm with San and Wooyoung with a happy sigh. "That was fun. And I even won. Maybe I should've picked a different group." She teased and Wooyoung scoffed. "Not even, Nar. You'd be lost without us." She smiled, nodding her head. "That I would be." She tightened her hold on their arms, smiling up at San who had a content look on his face.

As they climbed into the car, Nari stopped short and bent down to San's ear. "Maybe we can get wrapped up when we get home." She breathed in his ear, quietly; only for him to hear. She winked and made her way to the back, happily plopping down next to Jongho with a proud smirk on her face. San took in a deep breath, pinching his nose and laying his head on Seonghwa's shoulder. "You alright?" He asked, sparing him a side glance. "She's going to be the death of me." San said and Seonghwa chuckled, patting his knee.

"Of all of us, San. We don't have much longer left to live."

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