There For You

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Nari supports Mingi

Mingi squeezed Nari's hand as they sat waiting to speak to their boss and manager. She gently squeezed back, offering him a calm smile. She may still be slightly annoyed that he butted in on her life choices at the moment, but he was her brother; her family. She would always support him in any way she could.

"It's going to fine, Mingi." He let out a breath, sucking in his bottom lip. "You'll be there the whole time, right? You won't just leave?" She patted his arm, squeezing his hand again. "I'll be right next to you the whole time, oppa. I promise." He nodded once, hand slightly trembling in hers.

Mingi had been feeling off lately and he wasn't the only one that had picked up on it. Nari had noticed he had become quieter and more reserved. He used not get that nervous when going to different schedules or performances, but now it seemed like he was terrified of it. Maybe not terrified, but definitely uncomfortable. He was one of the tallest in the group yet he still seemed to make himself small behind the others when they went anywhere.

He only spoke when he felt he needed to, but other than that he stayed out of sight and out of mind as much as he could. He had started doubting himself lately and even if he wouldn't voice it out loud, Nari could tell when he would second guess himself on something. When he used to just let whatever words were in his head flow with ease, she would catch him closing his mouth and rethinking if he should say it.

He had actually gone to Hongjoong first, explaining what he was feeling and what was going on. Nari had just happened to be home and not wrapped up in San's body that day and she overheard. She hadn't meant too; she was in her room and just lying on her bunk while Hongjoong fiddled with his laptop. Once Mingi had realized she was in there he had panicked. Nari had assured him it was a secret between them and she wouldn't say anything if he didn't want her too.

He had actually come to her a few days later. He felt like he needed more help than what the members could offer and he wanted to talk to the company about what was going on. He didn't want to hide it from the company because it was one of the few that actually took care of them and let them expand on their ideas and creativity. He didn't want to go alone though. He needed someone there and even if they were semi-fighting, Nari had always been there for everyone and knew when to be serious.

Which is how they ended up here. At the company, sitting outside the meeting room and waiting for their boss and manager to come grab them so Mingi could tell them everything going on. Nari wasn't going to let him go through this alone and she knew the others wouldn't either. However, she was a little surprised Mingi had asked her. "Can I ask you something?" Mingi grunted, eyes flicking back forth from each side of the narrow hallway.

"They'll come, relax. Answer my question, yeah?" He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and nodded. "Sorry," he muttered and she shook her head. "It's fine. But anyways—why'd you ask me to come with you?" Mingi raised his brow and Nari settled back into her seat more. They were very uncomfortable. "I mean, I don't mind. Trust me. I'm just surprised you didn't ask Hongjoong or Yunho. You're closer with them." She shrugged it off and he squeezed her hand.

"Because I didn't want to bother them." She gave him a teasing smile. "So, you decided to bother me?" Mingi looked at her with wide eyes. "Am I—does this bother you? I'm sorry! I should've just came alone." Nari sighed, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and leaning her head on one. "No, babo. It's not a bother. I was just curious, that's all. I've been told I can be a little—ah, how would I say it—overbearing."

Mingi chuckled, resting his head on top of hers. "I wouldn't say overbearing, but maybe a little nosey." She clicked her tongue, lightly smacking his knee. "Yah! I just like to be informed of everything going on. I don't like being surprised with stuff." Mingi let out a small laugh. "You've always been there when any of us were at our lowest." She shrugged, not really thinking she has been. "Don't do that. Don't take away what you do for us." She sat up, looking at him.

"You sat up with Hongjoong hyung all night when his laptop got stolen in America. You helped re-record everything. You were there when Hwa was having trouble with his image and you talked him up every day. That really helped him a lot. He talks about it sometimes when he's had too much to drink." Nari felt her cheeks heat up slightly and she cleared her throat. "I was just being a good friend. Anyone would do that for the people they care about."

Mingi narrowed his eyes. "You stayed up for two days straight with Yunho to help learn a dance he was struggling with." She shrugged. "You left little notes around the dorm for San when he was struggling with his confidence. You stood with him in the mirror and would point out all the good things and correct any of his negative talk." Nari twirled some of her hair in between her fingers. She was a little flustered. She really didn't see that as anything huge. Like she said, anyone would do that for the people they cared about most.

"You danced with Woo and stayed by his side the whole time when he was injured during the fan meet. You refused to let him be left out, no matter what. Every time you saw him frown you would go over and make him laugh and smile. You helped Yeosang and Woo and San come closer together and for the other two not to leave him out. You helped Jongho to love who he is and how he sounds." Nari sucked in her bottom lip, avoiding eye contact.

"And now, you're here, with me, helping me get through whatever this is." She shrugged again and Mingi clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. He grabbed her face, squishing her cheeks in between his hands and forced her to look at him. "You've helped each and every one of us so much and in so many ways and sometimes you don't even realize it. You just know what we need and how to help. That's why I asked you. Because I trust you all with my life but I trust you the most."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. "I'm happy to help, always. And thanks." He winked at her and the stiffened when he saw their manager and boss walking down the hallway towards them. Nari took his hand in hers and pulled him to stand up, squeezing it. "You ready?" He shrugged and she nudged his shoulder. He glanced at her.

"I'm here for you, every step of the way."

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