Trust Me

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San confronts Nari about her behavior

"What's got you wrapped up in your head?" Nari smiled sweetly up at San. He had been scowling for the past couple of minutes. She had been calling his name for at least a minute and he hadn't even flinched. She wasn't sure what was wrong and now she was getting a little worried.

He looked down at her and smiled. "Nothing, baby. I'm fine. Is there, uhm, anything you want to tell me about?" She raised a brow, pushing herself up on her elbows and resting her chin in her hands. "San, just ask what you want to. I don't like the cat and mouse games." He sighed and leaned his head back.

"Okay, but I just want to say that we weren't following you, okay?" She raised a brow but nodded. "The other day, I went out to lunch with Yunho, Yeosang and Wooyoung. We saw you there. Talking to someone." Nari groaned, plopping face first into the mattress. She had tried to keep it a secret and of course, she had been caught.

"We really weren't following you, I swear. I didn't want to say anything. I was waiting for you too, but I guess it was bothering me more. You've been acting weird. Going out at random times with no one else and being secretive." She peeked up at him but her teasing smirk was covered by the mattress. He started to panic a little, thinking she was getting the wrong impression.

"Fuck—no! I don't mean that I think that you're—it's not that!" She laughed, placing her hand over his mouth. "Shut up, babo. I know." A muffled 'you do?' was spoken and she giggled, standing up and holding her hand out. "Trust me." Was all she said and San took her hand and let her guide him out.

After catching a cab and driving for a while, they ended up in one of the nicer areas of Seoul. San was still confused as Nari led him into the building, but didn't say anything. As they waited in the elevator that took them to one of the top floors, he opened his mouth to speak but then shut it. Nari chuckled, squeezing his hand. "I'm not a murder or anything, don't worry."

He rolled his eyes at her lame attempt at a joke as she pulled him out once the doors opened. She pulled a key out of her bag, sliding it into the lock of an empty apartment and walked in. "Welcome!" San walked around. It was really nice.

It was open concept living room and kitchen and much more spacious than where they were living now. Walking down the hall he noticed the abundance of rooms and how much bigger they seemed. He counted 10 rooms total. He was still a little confused, but if he had the money, he'd buy this place on the spot. It was spacious and close to everything.

"What do you think?" Nari asked with a sly smile. San nodded his head and swallowed. "It's really nice. Like, really nice. I wished we lived somewhere like this." She held up the keys again, jingling them a little. "Well, we do." San's mouth dropped open and he looked around for any cameras to see if he was just being punk'd.

"Well, not yet anyways. I haven't told anyone. I was waiting for paperwork to go through. That's who I was talking to the other day. The realtor. To finish up the paperwork and get keys." San was still confused. He had a million questions running through his head but was still to in shock to form a coherent sentence.

"Close your mouth, flies will get in." He jumped a little as he felt her finger push his jaw close. He hadn't noticed she had moved closer. She wrapped her arms around his waist, looking around. "H-how did you afford this?" Nari winked at him, placing a kiss to his neck. "That's a secret. But it's ours, officially. I was going to tell you all tonight."

His hands rested on her lower back, pulling her closer. "Why?" She shrugged, turning around and pressing her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "New beginnings. Our dorm is full of bad juju. We needed somewhere new." San laughed, kissing the top of her head. "You and your juju."

She smiled up at him. "It's really great. They're going to love it." San murmured. Nari felt relief at that. She knew questions would come up, but her only concern was if they would like it. "You think so?" San nodded his head. "There's no way they wouldn't. It's perfect." She let out a content sigh.

It was perfect. Perfect for a new start for all of them.

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