Creeper Pt. 1

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Nari has an odd encounter with a fan

A/N: this was a request and I hope you like it, love! This is not part of Nari's current storyline and because I can't help but to write, this will be in two parts!

Nari played with her hair nervously as they waited to go out on stage. It was their first fan sign event with them all together as nine and while she was excited, she was also pretty nervous. The fans had been split on her sudden admission to the group. While a lot of people loved her debut, loved her and were cheering her on, there was just as many that were not happy some random girl got to stand next to and live with their favorite idol.

"Stop it, it's gonna be fine." San said as he lightly gripped her shoulder. She smiled sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders. "Seriously. They'll love you just as much as we do. And if they don't, I'll kick them out." She chuckled at that, patting his hand on her shoulder and wrapping her arms around his waist. "No kicking people out. Let them make their own decisions." He grunted, but didn't say anything more.

Finally, they were being announced to come out on stage. Nari walked out with a large smile and she was happy that there weren't any boo's that resonated over all the screaming and cheering. "Hello! 9 makes 1 team! We are ATEEZ." They all greeted, bowing to the crowd who only screamed louder. It made Nari smile wider and San quickly squeezed her hand, offering her a small smirk before going back to paying attention to Hongjoong.

After talking for what felt like hours, they finally took their seats at the long table and eagerly awaited to meet their fans. "I love your hair, unnie!" A fan said with a wide smile. She winked, blowing her a kiss that caused her to squeal. "I wish mine was the same color as yours though." She said to the girl in front of her. And it wasn't a lie, her hair was a mix of lavender and teal and Nari thought it looked really cool.

The fan sign went on without incident and Nari was quite surprised by how many boys were actually there. Most younger than her, but a few older ones too. She didn't think much of it; she was a girl and while she didn't necessarily like to boast about herself, she was prideful on the fact that she never needed much makeup to feel pretty or look pretty. Her mother had always told her she blessed her with the natural Korean genes and she'd never need to touch a makeup brush in her life.

A young boy sat in front of her with a grin on his face. Nari smiled and greeted him politely, but she didn't miss the way his eyes trailed down her face and settled on her breasts. She unconsciously crossed her arms over her chest, hoping to hide away a little. She knew stuff like this would happen, but she didn't want to cause a scene. She could deal with being uncomfortable for two minutes.

"Here, take my sweater. You look cold." She looked up at Seonghwa's voice who was currently draping the sweater over her shoulders and she quickly buttoned it up. However, his eyes weren't on her, but narrowed in on the boy with a smirk in front of her. "Thanks, oppa." She said shyly and he smiled down at her, patting her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked so only they could hear and she nodded her head once.

Seonghwa didn't completely believe her but he nodded and went back to his seat, eyes still wandering over to Nari. He couldn't help how his lip curled in disgust when he first saw the boy looking where he shouldn't, but he was an idol now and he couldn't react the way his mind first told him too. So, the next best thing was to cover her up as best he could. He smirked a little at the slight frown the boy wore at the moment. Apparently, covering up what was getting him off wasn't something he was happy with.

"You're really pretty. Like, really pretty. I'm sure you hear that all the time though." The boy said to Nari, leaning forward a little and resting his elbows on the table. Nari blushed slightly, but shook her head. "Thank you so much! The boys tell me all the time." His face quickly turned to a scowl at the mention of the rest of the boys. Nari cocked her head to the side, confused. If he didn't like them, why was her here?

"I don't think it's right for them to make you live with eight boys. I mean, you're just one little girl." She bit her lip, but didn't want to be rude. She was an idol after all now and she didn't want to ruin the groups image. Not for one little runt that would never be noticed the rest of his life. "They treat me really well, actually. I quite like living with them. They keep me on my toes." The boy scoffed, rolling his eyes before smirking at her again.

"I can do things to keep you on your toes to." He winked and she couldn't help but shrink away. She was never more grateful to hear the ding of the bell, telling him to move on. Once they had finished up for the day, she slumped down in the green room, shuddering. The conversation and comment from the boy hadn't left her mind. She felt a little exposed. "Are you okay?" Wooyoung asked and Nari nodded, smiling tiredly.

"How was your first official fan signing?!" Mingi yelled, jumping next to her. She jumped a little, still getting used to his high energy that he seemed to have all the time. "It was really, really fun. I liked it. But I'm so tired now and all I want to do is sleep for a million years." Mingi chuckled, ruffling her hair. "You can sleep on the way home." She nodded, standing up and taking off the sweater Seonghwa had given her and brought it back to him.

"Thanks again, oppa." She handed it to him and he took it with a smile. "Did the rest of the signing go okay?" She nodded, but did relay to him the comment that was mentioned. Seonghwa clenched his jaw, but she just patted his arm. "It's fine now, Hwa. He'll never get the attention anyways, he just needed his spotlight I guess. I'm fine, really." He sighed, pulling her to him and kissing her temple. "I'm sorry men are such dogs." She chuckled, pushing away.

"I'm going to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." He nodded, watching her go out the door. He heard Yunho shout something, but his legs quickly took him to the door Nari had just walked out of. Right before the door slammed shut, he saw a shadow quickly breeze by, making a beeline towards where she just turned.

And he'd be damned if he'd let some little boy lay a hand on his sister.

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