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Nari let's the boys have it

"We promise not to say anything until you finish." Wooyoung said, staring at the dough Nari was squeezing the life out of. She smiled sweetly but that only made Wooyoung straighten up more. She only ever smiled like that when she was going to go off. How fans thought she was just some innocent little girl he would never understand.

"I'm sick," she pounded into the dough, forehead creasing. That's when the other three started to take it a little more seriously. "And tired of you all always insinuating that I'm going to hurt San. That it's going to be my fault if this doesn't work out again."

She sprinkled some flower on the counter. "Did you all happen to forget the first time it didn't work out was because of how jealous he was being? Even talking to one of you he would get mad! It was like I couldn't have interaction with anyone of the opposite gender without a fight breaking out."

"I'm human too. Am I perfect? Not at all. But he can hurt me just as much as I can hurt him. And with you all subtly hinting that I'm apparently going to do it again, it's starting to piss me off. And it hurts. I'm your friend. I'm your member. Just as much as he is. Why am I the wicked witch and he's the prince every single time?"

She felt her eyes warm with tears of frustration as she slapped the dough on to the flour, some of it spewing up. Yunho, Jongho, Wooyoung and Yeosang all just stared at her. She looked up to meet the guilty stares of the four boys and sighed.

"Sure, maybe Woo is only doing it jokingly. All of you really. But there's always some hint of truth or belief behind it and I'm tired of it. That's why I don't want to hang out with you. At least Hongjoong and Seonghwa understand it's a two way street. Or they just stay out of it until they have to get involved. It's ridiculous!"

She leaned against the counter, closing her eyes. "I would just really appreciate it if you all remember that I'm your friend too. And that I also have feelings." Wooyoung cleared his throat, side-eyeing the others. "Nar, I can't speak for all of us. But for me, I really am just joking. I love you both equally and I know last time wasn't rainbows and butterflies. I'm sorry for making you feel like I was always attacking you. I really never meant harm by it."

"I just—I was with San the whole time after you guys ended it last time. I saw how hurt and upset he was. I saw how much it affected him. I was just worried." Yeosang said quietly. Yunho opened his mouth before Nari could say anything. "But did you ever once check on Nari? Because I promise you there was multiple times I walked in her room with her silently sobbing. She was just as hurt, Yeo."

"I'm sorry, Nar. I really am. I never saw it that way or thought that it would make you feel that way." Yeosang said quietly, averting his gaze to his lap. "I'm sorry too, noona. I was only teasing. I want you two to be happy. I truly do." Jongho said, looking at her with his chocolate orbs. "I'm sorry too, dove. I was only trying to keep you smiling." Yunho said.

Nari sighed. She knew they were sorry and she knew that majority of the time they really were just teasing her. But now that it was out in the open, she was glad they knew. "I accept all of your apologies. A little. But it might take some time before I'll be nice again." Wooyoung lifted up his head, raising an eyebrow. "You? Nice? Since when?"

She glared at him and he let out a nervous chuckle. "Kidding." She shook her head. If there was one way she could start the road to forgiveness, it was going to be a messy one. She glanced at the bag of flour next to her, an idea sparking in her head. Before she could stop herself, she reached in and grabbed a handful, throwing it at the four boys in front of her.

She laughed as they coughed and stared at her in disbelief. "Okay. That makes me feel much better now." She wiped a few tears from her eyes. Yunho narrowed his eyes, standing up and walking slowly around the counter towards her. "Wait! Wait! You deserved it!" That was all she could say before she had a face full of flour.

Before they knew it, the bag of flour was emptied and the kitchen was almost matching the white snow that lay around outside. They were all on the floor laughing. "I'll agree; that was much needed." Yeosang said, shaking his head. Nari laughed, ruffling Jongho's hair to try and clear it out. "That was actually kind of fun." Jongho beemed.

"Was it now?" The five of them froze at the sound of Seonghwa's voice. The all shared a glance and gulped in unison. "I thought he was supposed to be at the company all day," Wooyoung hissed. Nari shrugged, refusing to turn and stare at what she knew was going to be a very pissed off Seonghwa.

"What the actual fuck did you all do my kitchen?!" They all shuddered at the shrill sound of his voice, the anger finally letting loose. Hongjoong walked in, eyes going wide before narrowing in on the five of them on the floor. He turned Seonghwa around, glaring over his shoulder. "Five minutes."

Immediately, they all sprung up and started cleaning as fast as they could. "Do you think he's going to call us to his room?" Nari shook her head. "Not if we clean this up in five minutes. C'mon, hurry!"

Yunho moved quickly, Jongho already walking in with the vacuum. "It's not Hongjoong hyung I'm worried about," Jongho said, eyes wildly scanning everywhere he needed to vacuum. Which was pretty much everywhere.

"You're right," Nari said, looking towards her bedroom, "Seonghwa might actually murder us tonight." 

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