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All of ATEEZ are quarantined. . .together

"I'm glad you haven't committed murder yet," Jane said through the screen and Nari stuck her tongue out. "Jane-ah! You don't understand how crazy they drive me. I swear Seonghwa-oppa has cleaned everything at least three times and that's just today!" Jane chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. "Three times a charm, right?" Nari rolled her eyes.

"Oh! I almost forgot, Harin texted me yesterday inviting us all to Seulki's for an at home spa day?" She said the last of it in question, she'd never heard of it. Maybe it's because she didn't have the money to know if that was a real thing or not. Jane scrunched her nose. "Spa's aren't really my thing." Nari rolled her eyes again. "You're coming. Besides, she said she was inviting Byeol from GOT7? I heard she's cool."

Jane's face lit up and she leaned closer to her phone screen. "She is super cool! A little bit of an airhead, but she's fun. But Seulki is fine with her coming over?" Nari raised an eyebrow, clearly confused. "Why wouldn't she be?" Jane hesitated then shook her head. "No reason. I'll go. Tomorrow?" Nari nodded and they said their goodbyes. She sighed, stretching out on her bed.

"There's my girl," San said, climbing on top of her and she groaned, pushing him off. "Jeez! You're all so damn clingy." San chuckled, patting her leg. "So are you." She shook her head. "Not this bad. You're all driving me crazy. How long do we have to do this!?" San laughed, kissing her forehead. "2 weeks." She groaned.

She got up, following San out into the open. She saw Jongho currently bench pressing Mingi while Yunho and Yeosang cheered him on, ready to catch Mingi if he fell. Hongjoong has his headphones on and was sitting at the computer. Nari smiled a little, admiring him for a moment. Even with all the chaos going on around them, he was still able to focus on just his work.

She heard dishes clang in the kitchen and she groaned when she saw Seonghwa cleaning dishes that she was pretty sure he cleaned already. She wanted to avoid any cleaning tasks so she promptly turned on her heels and sat on the couch, watching the four members in front of her continue to scream and yell as Jongho established his masculinity.

"Nar!" Wooyoung yelled, hopping next to her and laying his head in her lap. She smiled, running her fingers through her hair. "Where have you been? It's been hours." He said and she chuckled, shaking her head. "I was in my room for literally 10 minutes talking to Jane." Wooyoung clicked his tongue. "They have to quarantine too?" She shook her head. "Nope. Just us. But I'm going to Seulki's tomorrow for an at home spa day I guess."

"I wanna go!" Yeosang said and Nari narrowed her eyes. "Girls only." Yeosang rolled his eyes, sitting at her feet. "Not fair." She shrugged, laying her head back. "I guess you're more like a girl than I am. I'll see if you an come." She winked and he pinched her shin. She yelped, her thigh bumping Wooyoung's head. He narrowed his eyes at her and she held her hands up. "He pinched me!"

Wooyoung shook his head, standing up slowly. Nari's eyes widened and she slowly got off the couch, moving behind Yunho as Wooyoung eyed her like a lion hunting his prey. Yunho gulped, moving to the side slightly. "I really don't want to get involved with—" Wooyoung leapt forward and Nari squealed, taking off like a racehorse. He chased her around the room, Yunho and Mingi eventually joining in and soon it was Nari running from everyone but Seonghwa and Hongjoong.

She didn't notice the cord hanging laying on the ground and tripped, causing it to become unplugged as she tripped. She groaned in pain and looked up at the horrified faces of the boys. She looked to the side and saw the computer screen. Black. No power. She gulped, standing up as Hongjoong slowly and eerily calmly, took his headphones off and spun around, glaring at all of them. "5 seconds.

That was all he said and they all took off, dispersing around the dorm. Nari jumped into Yeosang's closet, San closely behind her and they closed the door. She was breathing heavily, listening as Hongjoong started finding everyone one by one. "You really did it this time," San chuckled and she smacked his thigh. She couldn't see him in the dark but she could bet all her money he was glaring at her.

"This is fun," he said quietly after a few moments and Nari chuckled. "Running so Hongjoong doesn't kill us is fun? We just unplugged all his work!" She hissed and San poked her nose. "You unplugged his work, not us." She sneered, leaning back against the wall. San knew she was pouting and she chuckled, moving closer to her and placing a kiss on her lips. It was innocent and it still sent butterflies all over Nari's stomach.

She wrapped her hands around his neck, leaning forward and deepening the kiss. Her tongue licked the bottom of his lip and he groaned, sliding his tongue into her mouth. She pushed him back, climbing into his lap, straddling him. His grip on her hips tightened and she gently pulled his hair, gaining another small groan. Suddenly, they were shrouded in light and Nari quickly pulled apart, cheeks hot.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO STAY SIX FEET APART!" Mingi screamed and Nari reached for whatever was on the floor and chucked it at him, but for once, he dodged it. Hongjoong entered the room, eyes narrowing in on the two. They both gulped, guilty looks on their faces. "I thought we told you no funny business here." He crossed his arms and Nari sighed. "It was just a kiss!" Hongjoong held his hand up. "I don't want to hear about your tonsil hockey."

Seonghwa walked in, a bright smile on his face. "There you two are! Punishment time!" He seemed way to happy about that. "Nari gets to clean the bathroom and San-ah, you're helping Yeosang and Wooyoung with the laundry. I don't want anything pink." They both groaned; of course they'd get the task they hate the most. "Now! Then you're all going to help me redo the song you ruined." Hongjoong said, a smirk on his face. Nari groaned again.

The two walked out of the room and Nari wondered if being completely sadistic was what made them happy in life. "Please tell me this is almost over." She whined and San chuckled, lacing their hands together as he walked them out of the room to their punishments.

"It's only the first day, Nar."

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