The Birds and the Bees

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Hongjoong and Seonghwa give San and Nari the talk

It was all innocent and fun when they were messing around during practice. They were messing around, playing fighting. "Yah! Wooyoung! You can't do that!" Nari scolded as she smacked the back of his head. He had cheated during their little card game and Wooyoung glared at her. He pinched her neck, harder than he meant too and it caused a bruise to form. "YAH!" She screamed as she looked at the purple mark on her neck.

"Everyone is going to get the wrong idea!" She said and Wooyoung, Yeosang and San were laughing. "God forbid your innocent persona is ruined." Yeosang teased and Nari glared at him. Wooyoung laughed, giving a half-hearted apology. "It's not like it's a real hickey." He said and she rolled her eyes. "Hongjoong and Seonghwa are going to kill me. And then San." She said and San laughed. "They won't, babo. Stop overthinking."

As if on cue, Hongjoong and Seonghwa walked through the door, arms with bags of food. "Let's eat!" Everyone cheered, gathering around to stuff their face before continuing on with their practice. "Why are you only eating a salad?" Yunho asked her in between mouthfuls of food. "I'm on a diet." She said simply and Mingi rolled his eyes. "You don't need to be on a diet. You're already small." She chuckled, shaking her head.

"It's fine, it's a healthy one." She said and no one argued. They ate, chatting idlily until Seonghwa slapped her neck. "Ow! Oppa, what was that for?!" She said, rubbing her neck. "What is that?" He pointed to the bruise that Wooyoung had gave her a few minutes ago. "It—it's not what you think!" She said as Seonghwa and Hongjoong narrowed their eyes at her. "What else could it be?!" Seonghwa said, raising his voice a little. Nari went to explain and Hongjoong cut her off. "We need to practice. We'll talk to you two when we get home."

They went back to practicing. Nari begging Wooyoung to explain every time they had a little break but he would just laugh and walk away. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to snap his neck in half but figured she'd be in even more trouble if she killed him than she was already in. Practice ended and Nari and San scurried out the door and home, trying to avoid their two eldest members but someone grabbed the back of her shirt. She jumped and turned to meet the angry eyes of Hongjoong. "Bedroom. Now."

Her shoulders slumped and she trudged her way to their shared room, trying to hold in a laugh when she saw San sitting there with a very angry Seonghwa glaring at him. "Sit." Hongjoong said and she straightened her back, quickly moving to sit beside San. Both boys just stared at them and she played with the hem of her shirt. This was awkward. Seonghwa coughed, clearing his throat. "So. . ."

He didn't finish his sentence before Nari had jumped up. "It's not a hickey, oppa! Wooyoung-ie pinched my neck too hard! I swear! You can ask Yeosang!" Seonghwa sighed, shaking his head. "That's not the issue, Nar." She sat down, confused. "Then what is?" She asked and Hongjoong groaned. "They said to be the leader would be fun. No one said this was part of it." Both of them just raised their eyebrows, sharing a glance. They were definitely confused.

"What he is trying to say," Seonghwa said, placing his hand on Hongjoong's shoulder. "Is that we wanted to just have the talk about, being safe and t-things like that." His cheeks flushed a little as he averted his gaze and Nari opened her mouth in shock, feeling her cheeks heat up. "WE'RE NOT DOING THAT!" San yelled, hiding his red face behind his hands. "We're not saying you are, San-ah." Hongjoong said. "But we need to talk about it anyways."

Nari groaned. This is not a conversation she ever wanted to have with her members. At all. "W-we just want to make sure that if it does ever happen, you're safe about it. I love babies, but I don't particularly want to be an uncle yet." Seonghwa said and Nari's cheeks heated up more and she groaned. "Oh my god. I can't believe we're actually talking about this." She said behind her hands and Hongjoong chuckled awkwardly. "This is a thing that young kids do." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

She glared at him. "You're not even that much older than us! Why can't we give you this talk?" She said and Hongjoong narrowed his eyes. "Because I don't have time for a relationship right now, but I'll reserve that talk when I do just for you." He said and she groaned again. "I don't think we'll ever do that." She said and she missed the way San's eyebrows furrowed. "That's what all the kids say." Seonghwa teased with a gentle smile and she rolled her eyes. "You said we needed to set rules though?" San finally piped up, cheeks still red but not as much as before.

"Ah, right." Hongjoong said, turning back to his serious, leaderlike self. "It can't happen if we're all here. That's just too weird. And gross. And not something I want to see. Or hear. Ever." He shuddered and San and Nari's cheeks were blazing red again. "Do you really think we'd be that inconsiderate?" San groaned and Seonghwa chuckled, patting his head. "Of course not, San-ie. But, that's just something that you should do privately. Not with 7 other people wandering around to walk in on it."

Nari groaned, standing up. "Got it. No sexual contact in the house." Hongjoong sighed, shaking his head. "We can't even hold hands?!" San asked and all three of them stared at him like he had three heads. "That—that's not even—what?" Nari asked, completely shocked that he considered hand-holding a sexual act. "That's not what we're talking about." Seonghwa said, gently. He couldn't decipher if San was being serious or not. "Well, you said no sexual contact and people hold hands when they have sex!" He said and Seonghwa groaned, smacking the back of his head. "This is not a joking matter!" San rubbed the back of his head while laughing.

"I got it, hyung. I'll keep myself under control." He gave a thumbs up and Hongjoong sighed. "I'm tired and need to shower. Just don't get pregnant, wrap your willy and we'll get you an appointment to get on the pill." He said and walked out, Seonghwa following behind him to start cooking dinner for them. Nari sighed, sitting on her bed and San came up, laying beside her. "That wasn't awkward at all." He said and Nari giggled. "Not in the slightest."

San sat up, nudging her shoulder with his. "Don't worry," he purred in her ear and she felt goosebumps erupt across her skin. "I know how to be quiet." He nipped at her neck and she yelped as he winked at her and sauntered out of the room, smirk plastered across his face. Nari followed him with her eyes, bewildered. Hand still clutched over where he just bit her.

"Innocent persona my ass." She muttered.

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