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Mingi is finally back in the dorm and Nari is out of quarantine

"Just move me over to the left a little more!" Nari hissed at the head of the boy beneath her. Jongho mumbled something she didn't catch under his breath, but Nari was sure it was something snarky. "Nar, I've been holding you on my shoulders for like twenty minutes. How long does it take to set up a stupid banner?"

She flicked the top of his head and he growled at her. "It's not just a stupid banner, Jong, it's for Mingi! He's coming home today, finally!" She carefully crawled her way off Jongho's shoulders and the boy was grateful he didn't have to carry her around anymore. "I told you to get the ladder but you said you didn't feel like walking that far."

He glared at her as she only smiled at him smugly. "Come now, baby, we need to get the cake ready!" Jongho rolled his eyes but followed her into the kitchen anyways. "Would you do this for any of us?" He asked and Nari shook her head. "Nope. Mingi's my favorite. He gets a celebration." Jongho narrowed his eyes and Nari chuckled.

"So jealous," she teased, "Of course I would do it for any of you. Especially when you've been away for so long. It's how I show you how much I missed you."

"I got the snacks!" San screamed from the doorway. "Actually I got the snacks," Yeosang quipped, "San just carried the bag and conveniently forgot his wallet." The two started arguing but Nari paid no attention. "Just get them ready! He'll be here soon! Seonghwa texted me and said they were close."

Nari and Jongho finished decorating the cake and Wooyoung slumped his way into the kitchen after waking up from a nap. "Hey, sleepy," she ruffled his hair and smiled. "How are you feeling?" He smiled lazily at her and gave her a thumbs up. "Better now that I slept. I want to go back to sleep."

She clicked her tongue and patted his back, "You can after we surprise Mingi."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Yunho asked, "He gets scared easily. All of us screaming out at him will probably make him bolt out the door." Nari narrowed her eyes at him and he held his hands up in surrender. "He'll be fine. Plus, I'm sure Hongjoong already spilled the secret anyways. He's not good at keeping those."

San chuckled and came to wrap an arm around her waist. She leaned into his side without thinking about it. "You two make me gag," Yeosang teased, pretending to throw up. Nari flipped him off and turned and grabbed the cake. "I'll take that," Wooyoung slipped the cake into his hands.

"You're going to be to excited and you're going to drop it." She pouted but he was right. The second he walked through the door she was going to pounce on him. They all sat quietly, Nari's leg bouncing up and down. "Jeez, will you relax? It's like the president is coming or something," San said, pushing her leg down to still it. She stuck her tongue out at him.

She knew she was probably going overboard, but what she told Jongho was the truth. If it was any of them that had taken a break for such a long period of time, she would have done all this for them too. She would be just as anticipatory and just as excited waiting for them to come back. To come home.

Before she could say anything else, the beeping for the keypad on the door was heard and she had already jumped off the couch in a full sprint to the front door. "MINGI-YA!" She screeched like a wild animal and threw herself into the boys chest.

Mingi fell back, into Seonghwa and Hongjoong who were behind him, not expecting Nari to tackle him like a linebacker seconds after opening the door. "Yah! Kim Nari!" Hongjoong groaned, sprawled out in the hallway. Nari peeked her head up and looked at the two older members groaning on the ground.

"Whoops?" She still made no attempt to move off of Mingi or untangle her arms from around his waist. "Nari, I would love to properly hug you but that's a little hard when you have be basically pinned to the floor. Plus, I think Seonghwa hyung and Hongjoong hyung would like to come inside today."

Nari sighed dramatically but stood up and pulled the tall boy up with her, completely ignoring the other two members and dragging him into the living room where the others were biting back their laughter.

"Welcome home, Mingi!" They all shouted, the cake held in the air by Wooyoung. Mingi smiled around at all his members, Nari still glued to his side and he knew there was no way she was moving anytime soon. Maybe not even for the rest of the week. "It's good to be home," he smiled, opening his arms for everyone.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong opted out of the group hug, saying Nari would probably knock them all to the floor again.

"It's good to have you home," Nari mumbled into his arm.

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