Relationship with ATEEZ

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Hongjoong: Nari worships the ground that Hongjoong walks on. She is so amazed by all his talents and skills and aspires to grow to be more like him. She enjoys watching him work and enjoys it even more when he teaches her a little something about what he's working on. Hongjoong loves Nari and when she first joined their group, he secretly had a crush on her, but he'll never admit that. Now, he sees her as his little sister and will do anything for her. He tried to check on her at least once a day to make sure she's okay, but always has someone checking on her if he can't. He makes sure to include her in all the groups decision because he always worries that she feels left out. He is also not to fond of her doing her sexy concepts and practically faints at the confidence she feels doing it.

Seonghwa: Nari was immediately drawn to Seonghwa when she first joined the group. He was extremely sweet and nice but also quiet and cutely awkward. He's probably the member she is around the most as they share the same room in their dorm along with Hongjoong. Also, he is probably one of the most empathetic members of the group along with San and he knows that she is struggling with the death of her parents. Seonghwa is always there for Nari, no matter the time of day. He is always hyping her up and supporting her on whatever she chooses to do. Due to living in America for a long period of time, she struggles with the Korean language sometimes and he is happy to teach her or help her out when she is getting confused or flustered during interviews or meetings. Seonghwa is not one for skin ship but he has no issues holding Nari's hand or throwing an arm around her shoulders or kissing her cheek when he feels she needs it.

Yunho: Nari absolutely adores Yunho with every fiber of her being. He is always making her smile with his aegyo or random twerking during dance practices. She loves going on walks with him around the city and playing video games with him. Even though he's a giant compared to her, she loves when he bends down just to humor her and be her height. Yunho loves to make his members laugh but he absolutely lives to hear and see Nari laughing. It warms his heart when he see's the little crinkle by her eyes or her one dimple on the left side of her cheek. Also, he knows when she's laughing that she's happy and enjoying herself. He enjoys how comfortable she is in her own skin and he's right there along with her. She wants to try a sexier concept? He'll be right behind her.

Yeosang: Probably the member that Nari is least close with. She loves him just as much as she loves the other members though. Like her, he is usually pretty quiet, but she lives for when he goes to roast the members and his sarcastic remarks. Even though they aren't the closest, she is the first one by his side when he is feeling ill or injured. Yeosang see's Nari as the annoying little sister. He loves her, of course, and would do anything for her. However, he easily gets annoyed by her hyper and bubbly personality. He enjoys teasing her and watching her become frustrated with him because he knows that she isn't really frustrated. He appreciated everything she does and offers for the group and supports her in any way. However, what Nari is unaware of is that Yeosang is probably the member that worries about her the most when she isn't feeling well or injured or upset even though he doesn't outwardly show it.

San: Nari loves San and supports him in any way she can. She knows before she joined that he really struggled with how he looked and had low self-esteem. She does what she can to hype him up and keep him smiling, letting him know that he's one of the best people in her life. Sometimes, however, she finds herself becoming jealous of San, especially on stage. He turns into a completely different person and she wishes to be able to do that as well. Also, he is close with all the members equally despite age differences and she wishes she could be the same way. San loves Nari and has mentioned in a few interviews before that she is the epitome of his ideal type of girl. He secretly has a small crush on her but hasn't told anyone because he doesn't believe it will go anywhere and he doesn't want to make things awkward. He finds himself caring for her more due to her trauma and because of how grateful he is when she is there when he is struggling with his own personal issues. It is not uncommon to find them curled up together sleeping or napping and it's one of their favorite things to do together.

Mingi: Mingi was the main reason Nari accepted the opportunity to join ATEEZ. His rap amazed her and how unique his voice was. She also was blown away by his powerful dance moves. Nari was very surprised and a little overwhelmed when she first met him. He was very clingy and very in her face. He was nice of course and she learned to get used it and now feels weird when he isn't in her face or talking her off. Mingi enjoys having Nari around because it gives him someone else to take care of and someone else to take care of him. He likes that she lets him cling to her without any complaint and sometimes does it back. He also likes when she partakes in his rowdiness to help cheer everyone up. Mingi and Nari are language buddies; he sucks at English and she helps him the best she can and while she's passible in Korean, he is always teaching her new things or answering questions for her, so she doesn't feel overwhelmed.

Wooyoung: Wooyoung's confidence and aura amaze Nari. She understood why he was in charge of sexiness in their group because he is damn sexy. She's more than happy to go along with any concept he wants to try out and is belated that he is the first one to support her when she tries a new concept. Wooyoung is always complimenting her when they try out a new concept because he is happy that there is someone else within the group that is more than willing to be a little daring. Though she is technically his noona, he rarely calls her noona as they are so close in age. He is usually the first to notice when she is feeling less than confident and is always right behind her hyping her up.

Jongho: Nari loves having someone in the group that is younger her than her by a year because she doesn't feel as awkward taking care of him. She is constantly babying Jongho, making sure he is eating enough, he's rested enough, he's dressed properly, etc. She always told him if she got to be too much to let her know. She likes to arm wrestle with him even though she knows she won't win, and she finds it cute when he purposely loses just to appease her competitive heart. Jongho will always be there to support his noona and if you're the person that has ruined her day, better watch out. He refuses to let anyone be the cause of her crying or being hurt and uses his muscle to make sure it doesn't happen again. He secretly enjoys when she babies him, but he does get annoyed by it sometimes. He finds it cute when she tries arm wrestling with him and sometimes let's her win just to see the happiness on her face.

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