Just The Three Of Us

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Nari spends her holiday with Seonghwa and Hongjoong

Nari finished pinning her hair into two perfect moon buns. She was very Christmas-y this year. Her red sweater was fluffy and warm and had stitching in it saying happy holidays. She had paired it with green leggings that she found sitting in the back of her closet. She honestly didn't even know if they were hers, but it was the Christmas spirit!

She had bright red lipstick on and had somehow managed to follow an eyeshadow holiday tutorial on YouTube. It didn't look the best, but she thought it looked good enough. Yunho was spending the holiday with Harin and Nari was happy that he had someone to spend it with. San had gone home like most of the others to spend the upcoming holidays with family. She didn't have a family to go to so, she stayed back.

Thankfully, Hongjoong and Seonghwa hadn't wanted to go anywhere and stayed back with her. Seonghwa really didn't feel like cooking so, Nari had suggested the three of them go out to eat together. It wasn't ideal and she would much rather follow Seonghwa around the kitchen and pretend to help me cook their dinner but she was feeling giving and could annoy him another day.

"Are you ready yet? Oh! Your eyes look cool." Hongjoong said and leaned closer to look at the makeup. Nari leaned back a little, blowing in his face. "Ugh! That was gross!" She smiled at him and placed the last pin in her hair. "Then don't get in my personal bubble." Hongjoong only rolled his eyes and Nari stood up. "You're very, uhm, festive." Hongjoong eyed her outfit up and down and she chuckled.

"And you're very not festive." She stuck her tongue out at him. It was true. He was dressed in all black with no hint of color anywhere. "Even Seonghwa is wearing a red shirt. Can't you at least find something to give you some color? You're so dark and dreary. It's like Halloween all the time around you." Hongjoong snorted and went to his clothes, finding a red button up he had gotten and he couldn't understand why. He'd probably never wear it.

"Halloween is the best holiday." He retorted and Nari only rolled her eyes, slipping on her shoes. "Yeah, yeah. Ghosts and monsters and stuff. Right up your ally you weirdo." She left the room before he could say anything else. Seonghwa was waiting patiently for the two in the kitchen, scrolling through his phone. He briefly glanced up at her as she walked in before going back to his phone. "You look cute."

She winked at him and said thanks, grabbing a bottle of water. "And you look might handsome." Seonghwa smiled at her and slipped his phone in his pocket. "Where are we going to eat?" Nari shrugged her shoulders. "Wherever is open. I'm feeling giving this year so, I'll let you two decide." Seonghwa only chuckled at her and called for Hongjoong.

30 minutes later and the trio were sat at one of the restaurants they used to frequent as trainees. It was the only thing close enough that was open and it was too cold to walk. Nari didn't particularly feeling like sitting in a cab either. They ordered their food and made small talk until it came. Nari finished her food and sat back, rubbing her stomach.

"I'm going to have to diet so hard after this," she whined and Hongjoong only snorted. "You don't need to diet. You're perfect as you are." She winked at him and leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table and chin on top of her intertwined fingers. "Well thank you, oppa. How very kind of you." He narrowed his eyes at her as Seonghwa chuckled beside him. "Why did you both not want to go back home?"

They both shrugged. "No reason, really. Just wanted to relax. Thought I would have the dorm to myself for once." Hongjoong said and Nari threw her head back in laughter. "You're funny. You think you can ever be truly alone now with 8 of us?" He shook his head and she smiled. "My parents are traveling this year so, I stayed back." Seonghwa offered and Nari hummed.

"I'm sorry you don't have anywhere to go," Hongjoong murmured. Nari gave him a soft smile. "Don't be sorry. I'm exactly where I want to be. With you two." Seonghwa raised his eyebrow with a teasing smirk. "You mean the Kim Nari only wanted to be with us this year?" She fluttered her eyelashes at him and gave him a flirty smile. "Only you two. You two are my favorite." Hongjoong laughed. "Don't let the others know that."

She shrugged, leaning back in her chair. "I don't really care. They'd probably judge me for it anyways." She hadn't meant to let her bitterness of the ongoing situation seep out, but she couldn't take it back now. Hongjoong looked confused. "What do you mean?" She shrugged again, not wanting to get into it. It was the holidays and she wanted to enjoy her time with her favorite members. "It's nothing. Let's go watch Christmas movies!"

She stood up and went to pay before the two boys could even react. They were not happy about it. "Chivalry is dead." She deadpanned, walking out into the cold. The two followed behind her and they all sighed in relief when they entered the warmth of their dorm. Seonghwa quickly made them some hot cocoa and Nari picked out the Christmas movie. They had more than one couch but the three were squished together under a blanket, mugs in hand as they watched the movie.

Nari smiled to herself. Sure, it would be nice to have everyone here together. But this was perfect for her. Her perfect little white Christmas.

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