Kingdom: Legendary War: Mistake

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Nari gets upset over a mistake

Nari was utterly exhausted just like she knew the rest of the boys were. She had been up for almost two days straight, only getting to nap in between schedules. Promoting their new album and participating on a survival show at the same time was proving to be a tough feat.

"You good?" Hongjoong asked, grabbing her arm. She had been swaying a little as she was stretching. The blonde-haired boy looked just as tired as her, if not, even more. She nodded and smiled tiredly at him. "Just want to get this over with. Super tired." He chuckled, going back to stretching. "We start in a few minutes."

Nari felt much more awake once the cameras started rolling and they were sitting out on the stage with the other groups. Jongho placed a hand on her knee to keep her from bouncing it up and down. "We'll have the maknae's go first!" BTOB said and Nari wasn't sure if she was grateful or terrified.

She was a fan of a lot of the groups they were competing against. Friends with a few too. They had been practicing like crazy but with how exhausted she was, she wasn't sure if she could do this as flawlessly as she had practiced. "8 makes one team, fighting!" They all shouted before making their way out for the introduction stage.

The music started and things were going fine at first. However, once they had gotten to the end and San was about to hop on her back carrying the torch, she felt herself stumble a little. This caused San to become unbalanced, but thankfully, he was able to steady himself enough and not fall back.

Once it was over, the other groups went. They were currently awaiting the results of the round voted by others. "In 5th place," Nari chewed her bottom lip. San gently squeezed her elbow, her pink-haired lover just as nervous and tired. "ATEEZ!" Everyone clapped and Nari tried to smile but inside, she was chastising herself.

She felt her eyes burn with tears and she quickly rubbed them, not caring if she smeared the thick eyeliner. She felt whole-heartedly that if she hadn't stumbled at the end and messed up San's movements, they might have placed higher.

Frustrated with herself, she practically ripped her mic pack off once they were back in their green room. "Calm down there, killer," Yeosang teased and she only flicked him off. "I'm going to the bathroom to take my makeup off," she called out, quickly walking towards the bathroom. Once in there, she groaned in frustration and took a makeup wipe and started wiping her face.

"Stupid," she spoke to herself, "you can do it perfectly in practice and then you just come mess it up? What kind of idol are you?"

She jumped when she heard someone clear their throat behind her. "Oh! Hello!" She said to the young girl with raven black hair. She bowed and moved over so she could use the sink too. Nari and her hadn't officially been introduced, but Nari knew of her. It was Younghee from Stray Kids.

"You still have some eyeliner smeared there," Younghee said quietly, pointing to the corner of her eye. Nari let out an embarrassed couple and wiped it away. "Thanks," she hummed. "You're not stupid, you know," Younghee said without looking at her. The girl seemed to be really concentrated on drying her hands.

"Everyone makes mistakes, it happens. Your stage was really good. I was a little intimated if I'm being honest," Younghee smiled and Nari smiled back at her. "Thanks, unnie," and Younghee patted her shoulder. "Don't be so hard on yourself, yeah? This is just some stupid show for Mnet to use us as clout. It doesn't really matter." With that, the girl walked out of the bathroom and Nari just stood there a moment.

She wasn't sure why she was getting so upset over a mistake. Sure, when she would make them she would be frustrated, but never to the point of tears. She was good at reminding herself that there was always next time and she could do it better the next time. Maybe it was because there was no "next time" for these stages. It was one and done.

Walking out of the bathroom, Nari tensed when she felt an arm drape over her shoulders. "Just me!" Yunho said cheerily and she sighed in relief, sinking into his side. "You alright? You looked pretty upset when you ran out." She shrugged, leaning her head against his side as she let him practically drag her towards the exit.

"I'm just overly tired and it's making me overly emotional." Yunho hummed and patted her arm. "You did great, kid. Don't worry too much. There's always next time. And we'll have some more sleep next time too," he winked and she chuckled. "True, true."

"Just think," Yunho said, "we're going home and we get to sleep for as long as we want. Hongjoong said we could start practice late tomorrow." Nari laughed at the tall boy. He was a ball of energy anywhere they went, but she had never seen him so energetic over being able to sleep in. "I can't wait. I'm sleeping next to you."

Yunho smiled warmly at her as he opened the door to the mini-van. Nari needed a cuddle when she was upset and he was more than happy to do that. "Perfect," he said, sliding in next to her, "I'm in need of a teddy bear tonight." She laughed at him, leaning her head on his shoulder. He was right. After some adequate sleep, she would be in a better headspace.

There was always next time, too.

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