Nice To Meet You

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Nari and ATEEZ first meet

Yunho breathed heavily, collapsing on the ground and sprawling out like a starfish. "I'm so hungry I'm gonna die." He groaned, clutching his stomach. Mingi laughed, sitting down next to him and slapping his stomach. "I'll save you!" Yeosang and Seonghwa rolled their eyes, sitting down and leaning against the wall. "So dramatic; you can live for a month without food." Yeosang said and Yunho sat straight up, looking him dead in the eyes. "I'll eat you first." Yeosang started laughing and threw a water bottle towards Yunho who caught it with ease.

San and Wooyoung were laughing and off in their own corner, laying on top of each other as per usual. "Yah, don't you two ever get tired of each other?" Jongho said, sitting next to them. They both looked at him with raised brows, "no?" He rolled his eyes, suddenly flopping himself on top of them. As everyone enjoyed their 10-minute break before they had to start practicing again, the door to the practice room swung open and their manager walked in with a very tiny person trailing hesitantly behind them.

They all stood up and bowed, welcoming their manager and stranger. Wooyoung and Seonghwa noticed how San seemed to be in awe of the stranger in front of them. He had been staring with his mouth practically hanging open since she walked in. Wooyoung giggled and turned to San, "catching flies?" San immediately snapped his mouth closed and looked down, avoiding eye contact with everyone but Wooyoung didn't miss how red the tips of his ears turned.

"Listen up," their manager said, voice echoing around the practice room. "This is Kim Nari. After discussing with the higher ups and herself, we have decided that she will make a great asset to the team. Please welcome your 9th and final member of ATEEZ." You could hear a pin drop with how silent it became. Even the heavy breathing from moments before had suddenly vanished. Nari looked down, feeling her cheeks heat up and fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. She felt awkward and couldn't bring herself to look up and meet anyone's eyes.

Suddenly she felt herself wrapped into a hug and almost yelped at the sudden contact. "Nice to meet you, Kim Nari. I'm Hongjoong and the leader of ATEEZ. I look forward to working with you." He said, squeezing her even tighter. She giggled, returning his affection. "I'm very excited to be here! And, well, a little nervous." She rubbed the back of her neck. "Don't be! None of us bite; well, maybe Yunho or Mingi. But everyone else is nice!" She laughed when he earned two smacks to the back of his head. Then she saw a large shadow cover her and she looked up into the chocolate brown eyes of Yunho, gulping unconsciously. He's tall.

"Hello! I'm Yunho!" He picked her up, spinning her around and she couldn't help but giggle. After a few minutes she heard Hongjoong yelling at him to stop before she threw up and she was grateful. "I can't wait to see what you can do! What can you do? Are you going to show us? Today?" He was talking so fast she could barely keep up and plus, her Korean isn't that good. Mingi clamped a hand over his mouth; "Shut up! You're talking to fast!" Yunho sheepishly smiled and Mingi was the next to greet her. "Yo! I'm Mingi!" He held up a peace sign and then got really close to her. Closer than she was comfortable with. She took a step back, but he just followed her movements.

He, too, was asking a million questions but she didn't want to be rude. After all, Mingi was the main reason she had decided to join. She wanted to learn from him, and she thought his rapping and dancing skills were excellent and way past rookie years. Finally, she spotted Seonghwa. He was tall and staring at her with what seemed to be the same golden-brown eyes she possessed. He smiled warmly and she moved closer to his lanky figure. For some reason he felt safe. She just knew that she could automatically trust him. "I'm Seonghwa; nice to meet you Kim Nari." She smiled, hugging him. "Just call me Nari, please!" He was a little shocked at the surprise hug but awkwardly returned it, smiling slightly.

She noticed Wooyoung and San standing next to each other. "Hello! I'm Wooyoung. I'm in charge of the sexiness of our group." He said, winking. Nari was a little taken aback at his brashness, but she could see why he was in charge of that. He was damn sexy and she knew he knew it. His shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way and he kept combing his fingers through his hair, making her cheeks heat up. She missed the way San was glaring at Wooyoung and the way Seonghwa shot Wooyoung a warning look. "I'm San! It's nice to meet you," San said, moving a little closer to Nari. Her head shot up and she smiled warmly. He couldn't help but smile back. Her smile made the knot is stomach tighter.

"I love your dimples! They're so cute!" She said, putting her fingers on his cheeks where his dimples were showing. He almost jumped away and he knew that his cheeks were probably beet red. "Thank you. I like your eyes!" He said and she beamed back at him, not breaking eye contact. "Thanks!" She turned around again, feeling exhausted from meeting so many people but also very excited. "This is Jongho, our makne," Seonghwa said, pulling Jongho forward. He looked anywhere but Nari. He didn't know how to talk to girls. She immediately squealed and ran up to him. She pinched his cheeks and booped his nose. "I am going to enjoy being your noona! I don't have any siblings so this is going to be great! You can tell me if it gets to much!" She said and Jongho cringed, not saying anything. The others laughed. All except one and Nari couldn't get a good read on what he was thinking.

"Hello, I'm Yeosang." He said, bowing slightly and lifting his hand to shake. She bowed back and introduced herself again, accepting his handshake. She could tell that he wasn't exactly thrilled she was there, but at least he wasn't being mean. Yeosang was taken aback when their manager announced she was their new member. He couldn't believe it. Why add someone AFTER a debut? He is thoroughly convinced she just wants the little fame they have right now to boost her ego or solo career.

"We're happy to have you and we hope that we can all get along!" Hongjoong said and Nari smiled. "I think we will; besides, I'm the friendliest person you'll ever meet!" She settled back and watched them all practice, almost instantly remembering the moves and excited to see where the choreographer would fit her in. She smiled to herself.

Maybe this is exactly what she needs right now and she hoped it was exactly what ATEEZ needs.

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