In Between

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Nari spends an interesting afternoon out with San and Ravn

Nari pouted as the taxi drove them to the secluded beach. "I can't believe Hongjoong still won't let me go anywhere without someone." San chuckled, shaking his head. "You know he's never going to let you again, right?" Nari groaned, placing her chin on San's shoulder. He tensed a little under her touch. "Can you talk to him please? For me, oppa?" She batted her eyelashes and San's heart fluttered. He stared at her for a moment before pushing her face off his shoulder. "No."

She groaned, slouching down in the seat. "None of you love me anymore." San chuckled again, turning back to his phone. "It's because we love you that you can never be alone, Nar. Where are we going again?" Nari happily reminded him they were going to a private beach to enjoy the afternoon without worrying about getting spotted by fans or paparazzi. "Just us two? I feel like you would've invited everyone. Or went with the girls." Nari chuckled nervously. "Right, about that."

San turned around, dropping his phone on his lap and narrowing his eyes at her. "Why do you say it like that?" Nari grinned, nervously running her fingers through her red hair. "Well, you see. Someone wanted to hang out today." San narrowed his eyes even more, lips forming a perfectly straight line. "Who, Nari?" She sighed, fiddling with the hem of her sundress that was covering her bathing suit. "U-um, Ravn. And the rest of Oneus." Nari swore that San's head could've exploded right there. "Are you freaking kidding me, Nari?!"

He buried his face in hands and she shrugged. "What? We're all friends. I don't get why it's a big deal." San groaned. Of course she wouldn't get it. Or know. God, it seemed like everyone knew except for her and San was seriously starting to doubt that she was always first in her classes at school. "You literally just had another dating scandal and now this?" Nari narrowed her eyes. "Me and Seonghwa hardly count as a dating scandal, San-ah. And you're with me. It's fine. Plus is secluded, no one will see us." San mumbled something under his breath that Nari didn't hear and the two sat in awkward silence as they waited to arrive.

When they arrived, Nari jumped out of the car, thanking the driver and allowing herself to bask in the sun for a few moments. San came out behind her, thanking the driver and he sighed looking at her. It was hard for him to stay mad at her and he wasn't sure if he even was really mad at her. If she truly had no clue of the emotions stirring within him, then she had no clue her being around someone who blatantly had a crush on her would annoy him. He smiled softly at her enjoying the sun for a few moments before he came up and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Let's go."

She smiled, finding comfort in his embrace and allowed him to pull her towards the only other people on the beach who waved excitedly. "Nari-ah! San-ah! Hey!" Leedo said, waving his arm with a bright smile. San smiled and waved back and almost fell back when Nari pushed off him and took off running. "Youngjo!" She jumped to him and he barely caught her, eyes wide with shock and he didn't miss the very heated glare that San was giving him. He chuckled nervously, putting her down. "Nice to see you, too." She smiled, turning around greeting the rest of the members.

"Are we going swimming?" She asked excitedly and the others nodded. "Let's play chicken! I call Nari as my partner!" Hwanwoong yelled, racing toward the water. Nari pulled her dress over her head, revealing a strappy, black one-piece suit that crisscrossed over her stomach, exposing it. San gulped, wanting nothing more than to admire her more but at the same time, cover her up. He turned his head to see Ravn looking down at the ground, a blush evident on his face and then he wanted nothing more than to drown him. "Yah! I'll have to carry you, shorty!" Nari said, running towards the water.

"S-should we go?" Ravn said awkwardly to San who just nodded and hummed in response. No one told him he needed to be nice. But he should be. It's not like Ravn knew of his feelings. Or maybe he did. Both boys walked towards the water where the others had already started playing and swam over. "WIN!" Nari shouted as Hwanwoong knocked Seoho off Keonhee's shoulders. San smiled briefly at her fun and then she swam over to him. "Be my partner?" She asked with a sweet smile and he couldn't say no. "Fine," he said rolling his eyes, but he was happy she asked him instead of Ravn.

They played for a while and every time they went against Ravn and Leedo, San tried to trip Ravn. It was all in good fun though; he didn't actually want to hurt him. Maybe. "I'm starving," Nari whined as she wrapped her towel around herself, throwing her sunglasses on and plopping down on the blanket. San tried his hair, sitting across from her. "We have food! Hold on!" Before she could blink there was a plate of snacks in front of her and San and both were digging in. Ravn came and sat next to her and she smiled, nudging him with her shoulder. "Hey, you." She grinned and he smiled, running his hands through his black hair.

"Hey yourself," he said back and she giggled. San tried to ignore it, keeping his eyes on the food in front of them. "Here, try this!" Ravn said, grabbing a piece of fruit and feeding it to Nari. San glared between the two as she ate it. "That's good! What is that?" Ravn shrugged his shoulders, plopping a piece in his mouth. "Don't know. Some foreign fruit Leedo got." Nari hummed, grabbing another piece. San noticed how Ravn had scooched just a tad closer to her and he clenched his jaw. "Nar, try this!" He said shoving some kind of cookie in her mouth.

She chewed it and gave a thumbs up. And before she knew it, both boys were constantly shoving food her way, as if they were in competition with each other and the others were just looking at the three. "I think she's had enough," Hwanwoong said and the two boys paused their movements. "Ah. Sorry, Nari." Ravn said sheepishly and she smiled awkwardly. "It's okay. Thanks for the fun afternoon, but we have to go. We have a schedule tonight. Maybe we can do this again with both our groups!" She said and the others agreed, San snorting beside her and she elbowed him. They said their goodbyes and made their way up to the waiting taxi. "Oh! I forgot my towel! I'll be right back!" San said, turning around and running back towards the group.

Nari shrugged, settling in the car and leaning her head against the window. She forgot how sleepy playing in the water made her. San ran up, grabbing his towel. "Sorry, just forgot this." The others smiled, saying goodbye. "What are your guys schedule tonight?" Ravn asked out of genuine curiosity and San internally rolled his eyes. "We're starting to film a video for our title track." Ravn hummed in response. "Maybe we can check it out?" Leedo joked and San chuckled. "If it was possible, I'd say sure. But I've got to go take Nari home." He emphasized home, staring directly at Ravn who narrowed his eyes a little, but nodded. "See you later."

San happily spun on his heels, running back towards the car and sliding in. He smiled at Nari's sleeping figure, draping his towel over her bare shoulders and moving her head to rest on his shoulder. He smirked, laughing at himself quietly.

He'd always be the one to take Nari home.

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