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Nari tries to terminate her contract

San shot up on the bed, frantically looking around for Nari. Yunho yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "San-ie, go back to sleep. We still have time." He said, rolling over and pulling the blanket over his head. "She's not here." San said and Yunho sat up, noticing the missing fourth person that was with them last night. He looked around, panic setting in. "Bathroom?" He asked and San got up, not caring that he accidentally kicked Jongho who was peacefully sleeping on the floor.

"Ah, hyung, what the hell," he groaned, sitting up and fixing San with a glare. "She's not here." San said again after checking the dark bathroom. Yunho sat up straight, shaking Mingi awake and Jongho's eyes went wide. Mingi groaned sitting up. "Why?" He asked, still not aware of the missing member situation. "Hongjoong! Seonghwa! Up!" Yunho yelled and the rest of the members groaned, scolding him for being to loud. "Nari's not here." San said again, in disbelief. How had he not felt her get up? How had no one heard her leave the room? How long ago did she leave?

"You don't think she. . ." Seonghwa asked Hongjoong quietly, but everyone heard. "She wouldn't. Would she?" Yeosang asked, worry overtaking his features. "I'm not waiting to find out. Let's go." Hongjoong said, throwing the covers off and slipping his shoes on and running out the door. The other 7 members followed closely behind him, Hongjoong already on the phone with their manager. And he stopped running out of no where, causing the rest of them to ram into him, all of them falling on the floor. "Why'd you stop?" Seonghwa groaned, rubbing his butt. "She asked to terminate her contract."

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, unsure of what to do. Were they too late? Is she really not going to be with them anymore? "No. She can't do this. She's not allowed." To everyone's surprise, it was Wooyoung who had his eyes narrowed and stood up, running out the door. Usually, Wooyoung was the most laid back, but right now, he was leading the pack. He'd break every bone in her damn body if she thought she could just up and leave them; especially without a proper goodbye.

By the time they reached the company, they were not looking like idols. They were all panting, sweaty and bare faced. The receptionist at the front desk looked at them with wide eyes. They all politely bowed, racing up the stairs to the meeting room. Wooyoung saw their manager and the flash of relief in his eyes as he saw the heard of them running towards him. He stepped aside, pulling the door open. Wooyoung was the first to run in, seeing Nari with shaking hands and contract in front of her.

He growled, ripping it away and throwing it on the floor. "Just who the hell do you think you are, Kim Nari? You think you can just leave? Without a proper goodbye? Who told you it was okay to leave?" The others were now gathered around him, breathing heavy, but happy they had arrived just in the nick of time. Nari didn't say anything, staring at all of them with wide, brown eyes. "W-what?" She asked and Wooyoung narrowed his eyes.

"Are you an idiot? No one wants you to leave, pabo! You didn't screw anything up, you never have. We're a family. You can't just leave family." He sounded angry and desperate at the same time. San had had enough of this. He was done chasing her around and done with her thinking that every time she made a mistake, she had to leave. And she hadn't even made a mistake. He wiped the sweat off his brow, pushing through the others and leaned down, crashing his lips against hers.

Nari's eyes went wide and Hongjoong and Seonghwa groaned, turning away. "I like you, too, idiot." He smiled at her, cheeks a dark shade of red and Nari felt hers heat up and she averted her gaze to the table, a smile making it's way on her face. "Stay. Please, Nari. Stay." Wooyoung pleaded and the others looked at her, pleading along with him with their eyes. She looked at all of them and then San grabbed her hand. "We want you to stay, always. I need you to stay." He said the last part quietly and Nari giggled as she heard Yeosang pretend to gag. "Okay." Her voice was quiet, but the others collapsed in relief.

"I've never done so much damn running in my life than the past two days." Yeosang groaned and Mingi hummed in response, laying his head on Yeosang's stomach and letting out a deep breath. "I'm sorry," Nari mumbled and the others looked at her, Seonghwa nodding her head to continue on. "I really, truly thought I had messed it all up. I thought that—that I was going to ruin all your dreams, your hard work." Seonghwa smiled, comfortingly. "Our dreams are your dreams, darling. We all hope for the same. There's nothing you could ever do that would keep us from reaching our goals." She smiled, internally scolding herself for the stress she's caused the past few days.

"I think you owe us a meal." Yunho winked and the others loudly agreed, suddenly back up on their feet. Nari rolled her eyes but nodded. "I suppose you're right." She stood up, grabbing her bag and went to follow the others out of the room before she felt someone grip her wrist and spin her around. San's increasingly familiar lips met hers and she melted into it, wrapping her arms around his neck and him around her waist. They pulled apart, foreheads pressed together as San looked into her brown eyes. "I don't like you," he said and he almost smirked at the worry that took over Nari's face. She went to pull away but he brought his hand to hold her head in place, eyes never wavering from hers.

"I love you."

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