MC Loser

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Nari and Yeosang fluff

"Thank you!" Yeosang chirped into the phone. He hung up with a smug smile as he turned around to face Nari. The two were early to the company today. They had gone a few days ago to audition for being an MC on The Show. They only needed one spot filled and Nari wanted to give her hand a go at it.

"You didn't get it," she muttered, rolling her eyes. Yeosang loved to pretend he won something only for them to find a few minutes later that he had actually lost. It infuriated her to no end and the stupid smirk on his face and the way he just thought he was coolly leaning against the wall made her want to push him over.

"Please, how could they say no to me? I'm made for broadcasting," he said, fanning himself dramatically. She snorted and rolled her eyes. "You're such a loser. Only losers say stuff like that." Yeosang narrowed his eyes at her and she beamed at him. "Gotta be humble, Yeo. I didn't get it."

"I know you didn't. Because I did." He deadpanned.

Nari glared at him and shook her head. "Sure, sure. Whatever you say." Yeosang only shrugged and had his smug smile back on his face. The one that Nari was seconds away from wiping off if he didn't stop.

Nari checked her phone again, a message from her manager popping up:

Manager-nim 13:57PM: good try, nari! Yeosang got the role. Next time it will be you. Fighting!

Nari read over the message again, mouth falling open as she stared back and forth from the screen to a still smugly smiling Yeosang and back to her phone. "Are you just going to gawk at me or are you going to congratulate me?" He teased.

"That's not fair!" She whined, tossing her phone on to her bag. Hongjoong would have a fit if she broke another one. She couldn't break this one. Yeosang wrapped an arm around her shoulders, trapping her head in between his armpit and chest, ruffling her hair.

"It's okay to be jealous. You can just watch me and take some pointers," he teased and she was able to slip out from his grasp. "Yah! Kang Yeosang!" She shouted, leaping towards him. Yeosang knew it was coming though and had already started sprinting in the opposite direction only seconds before Nari leaped.

Down the hallway and into the small kitchenette on this floor. The two nearly gave Yunho and Jongho a heart attack.

"Yah! Yah!" Yunho chided. "How can you run in here slamming things around without warning?! Are you trying to kill us?! We have a drama to star in!" The two paid him no attention. They were at a standoff. Nari stood on one side of the table, staring the tall boy down like a lion watching it's prey.

Yeosang stood on the other, working out the million ways he was going to get out of this situation. Because he was. With a faint smile, he jerked as if he was going to run to the left and soon as Nari bolted the same direction, he effortlessly slid over the wooden table and out the door, Nari groaning loud in frustration and right behind him.

"One day they'll get along perfectly," Yunho murmured. Jongho only shrugged. "I hope not. They're pretty entertaining how they are now. I don't even need to watch TV."

Almost back in the safety of the practice room, Nari had caught up and pounced on to Yeosang's back. Surprising them both, he actually caught her and didn't topple to the floor. He ran into the practice room before he did lose balance and both of them fell to the floor.

Rolling on their backs and breathing heavy, the two only stared at the ceiling for a few moments in silence. "Are you done?" Yeosang asked and Nari only grunted. She was for now. She was tired and they still had practice to do.

"I'm proud of you, Yeo," she said quietly and the boy smiled, rolling on his said and wrapping himself around her arm. She didn't make an attempt to move it at all. "Chasing me around the floor and pouncing on to my back is a weird way of showing you're proud," he teased.

Nari turned her head to grin at him. "It's the special proud that only you get. When's your first recording? I'll come and take my notes," she winked. Yeosang laughed. "Tomorrow night. Manager is supposed to bring the script over soon so I can go over it."

"Then I guess I'm getting us double expresso in the coffee," she said, standing up. Yeosang was quick to follow her. "Are you crazy? Do you not want us to sleep at all?" Double expresso sent them off the walls. She only linked their arms together and pulled him along as they made their way to the 7/11 below them.

"Oh, my sweet, naïve, little Yeosang. You have a script to memorize and I have to chide you every mistake you make." She winked and he shook his head, happily following along.

All it meant was Nari was staying up with him while he went over the script and tried to memorize lines. She'd probably tease him, that was expected.

But at least he wouldn't be staying up alone.

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