Company Rules

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KQ has some rules for San and Nari

"You guys have to talk to the company." Hongjoong groaned. San and Nari pretended not to hear him, continuing to get ready for their day. "YAH!" He yelled and they looked at him briefly before going back to what they were doing. "Seriously, Nari-ah, San-ah, you need to talk to them." Nari sighed, patting his cheek. "You worry too much, Joong." She winked and she glared at her. "Go. Now. Or you're both kicked out of the group."

San widened his eyes, placing his hands on his chest. "Hyung! How could you?!" He dramatically fell to the floor and Nari giggled. Hongjoong smacked the back of his head. "For the love of all things holy, go." He pointed towards the door and Nari and San dramatically sauntered out of the room. "He's so grumpy today." Nari said and San chuckled. "Isn't he always?"

They walked happily to the meeting room and Nari was trying her best to stay in good spirits. It had been a whirlwind of emotions the past two days. They hadn't even thought about if the company would allow this. But San kept reminding her of Yeosang's words; there's nothing in their contract about dating another member. San grabbed her hand briefly, squeezing it. "Don't worry so much, Nar. It'll be fine." She nodded and pushed the door open and bowed to their boys. "Mr. Kim! It's so nice to see you again!" She said happily.

Their boss chuckled, waving for them to sit down. "So," he started, crossing his hands together. "Rumor has it that my little San-ie and Nari are in a relationship?" He raised his eyebrows and Nari blushed slightly, averting her eyes to the table. "Yes, sir." San said with a wide smile. Nari couldn't understand how he could be so positive all the time and she envied him just a little bit. "When did this happen?" He asked and San had taken to speaking for them at the moment.

"Just a few days ago. It's still sort of. . .new." He said after thinking for a moment. Sean nodded his head, staring at the two in front of him. "It—it doesn't say anywhere in our contract that we can't date inside of our group." Nari said quietly and their boss chuckled. "You're correct. But that's not our issues here." He said and Nari raised an eyebrow. "What issues are there?" Their boss sighed, looking between the two for a moment before speaking.

"Have you talked about what happens if this doesn't work out?" He said, gesturing between the two. Nari and San looked at each other briefly before shaking their heads. "No, sir. We haven't had a chance—"

"What about if the fans find out?" He asked, cutting Nari off. She bit her lip. They hadn't had a chance the pass few days to talk about any of this. "We haven't really had a chance too—"

"What about your members?" He cut San off and Nari bit her cheeks to keep from wanting to scold him for being rude. She sighed, looking him in the eyes. "Mr. Kim, we haven't had a chance to talk about any of that stuff yet. Like San said, this is very new and still developing. We're still figuring it out ourselves. As for our members, they're okay with it. Naturally, their just worried about if it doesn't work out. Just like you." She said and San looked at her in awe.

She could speak to calmly and professionally while he was shaking in his seat. Figuratively, of course. "I'm okay with this," he started, clearing his throat and both San and Nari sat up straighter in their seats. "But I need us to figure out right now what happens if this doesn't work." San and Nari looked back down to their hands. "I—we—don't really know." Nari said. Sean hummed, placing his chin in his hand. "You're both under contract with KQ, dating or not. I'd prefer that we'd not have to terminate it."

Nari nodded. "I wouldn't want that either. We'd be able to remain professional." She said and he nodded, looking towards San. He nodded sheepishly. "It'd be awkward at first, but this is my dream. I wouldn't let anything or anyone take it away from me." Their boss hummed in happiness. "Good. Now. Next order of business. No one besides your members and us can know about this right now. You're a new group, you're still gaining fans. This could negatively affect the group." He said and Nari sighed. She knew that was coming.

"We figured that already," San said. "We've been really good at not being obvious. We act the same as we have since debut." Their boss grunted, nodding his head. "Keep it that way." They nodded, Nari gulping. She loved her boss, he was very nice, but when he talked business, it was like he was a whole other person. "If I ever deem this relationship to be affecting you or the group, it ends." Nari looked up, eyes wide. "I'm sorry?" She said.

He repeated himself. "If I find that this relationship has become distracting, it ends. No questions asked." He said and Nari gulped. She didn't feel that was fair that he could just hold the realms of their relationship in his hands. "Sir, pardon my bluntness, but I don't find that fair." She said and San bit his lip. "It doesn't matter if it's fair or not, Nari. Your first priority is this group, your members. Your relationship comes second. If you can't see it that way, we can end this here, right now." He said and Nari narrowed her eyes but felt San lightly kick her under the table.

She bit her lip, leaning back in her chair. Nodding her head. "Yes, sir." She said through gritted teeth. "I'm happy you two have found love, don't get me wrong." Their boss said and Nari bit back a scoff. "But at the same time, your dream was to debut. You did that. Now your dream is to conquer the world, release music that makes you and fans happy. A relationship may very well get in the way of that and I promised you all on your debut day that I would help you achieve each and every one of your dreams. And I will hold my promise." He said. San stood up, bowing to him. "Thank you, Mr. Kim! We're both just relieved you will allow us this chance, despite the risks." Nari held her breath, but stood up and bowed.

She followed San out of the room and didn't say anything until she was sure they were far enough away that they couldn't be overheard. "Despite all the risks? Really?" She said, eyeing him and he sighed. "Nar, please. He's our boss and he wasn't wrong. All of our dreams is exactly what he said." She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "And love doesn't trump that?" She said and San narrowed his eyes, stopping her from walking and turning her to face him. "Does it for you?" H e asked, not breaking eye contact.

Nari sighed. "No. It doesn't." Her shoulders slumped and San wrapped an arm over her shoulders, walking back towards their practice room. "Exactly, Nar. We can enjoy this, and I know I will. And I really am happy this has happened, but we also need to stay realistic." She nodded, knowing he was right. "I still don't like that he can just snap his grubby hands and say it's done." She sneered and San smacked her arm. "Yah! That's your boss." She rolled her eyes.

"No man is the boss of me, San-ah." She skipped back towards the practice room, saving the argument for another day.

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