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Nari hears some not-so-nice comments from staff

A/N: some sexual comments are made about Nari but nothing explicit

"I'm running to the restroom!" Nari called out as she hurried out of the waiting room. "We're leaving in 10 minutes with or without you!" Hongjoong called back and she rolled her eyes. He wouldn't leave without her. He loved her too much. She had been holding her bladder since they had gotten off stage and she was pretty sure she was going to pee her pants in the next five seconds if she didn't get to the bathroom now.

Feeling much better, Nari dried her hands off and went to leave back to the room when two staff walked past the restrooms. They were younger males that she hadn't seen around before. She assumed they were new or interns. "Did you see Kim Nari?" The one male asked and Nari held her breath. She kept the door cracked so she could hear their conversation.

She knew it was rude, but she couldn't help herself. She had been getting so many negative attention lately for the outfit choices for this comeback. "How could you not? Did you see her legs? Those boys are lucky they get to see that every day." The other male chuckled. "I don't think I'd be able to live in the same space as her and keep my hands off. She's hot."

Nari closed the door and leaned against the wall. She suddenly wanted to puke up everything in her stomach. Being a female—a female idol—she was well aware that she was sexualized a lot. Especially by males. Hell, even the boys were sexualized by their fans. But for some reason, hearing the way the two young boys talked about her didn't bode well. She felt dirty.

She took in a deep breath and opened the door again to leave for real this time. Unfortunately, she caught the tail-end of their conversation. "—wearing things like that, even if its just for show, she should know what people are going to think." The other man laughed as they started to walk away. "Guess she likes the attention. I know my eyes were on her the whole time." Nari loudly opened the door, letting it bang against the wall.

The two staff jumped and turned, color draining from their faces when they saw Nari walking out of the bathroom. She sent a glare their way before turning and walking back towards the boys. She walked back in the room, walking right past Yeosang and Wooyoung towards Yunho. "Can I use your jacket?" She asked and Yunho raised a brow, taking his jacket off.

"I mean sure, but you have your own you know." She only took the padded jacket out of his hands and wrapped herself in it. It was far too big for her small frame but that's exactly what she wanted. She didn't want anyone to be able to see any part of her. "Thanks," she said, turning and walking out of the room. San looked at Yunho who only shrugged. "That was weird." Nari was oddly quiet the whole way back to the dorm. San and Jongho kept trying to engage her in their conversation but she would only give one worded answers or not answer at all.

Back at the dorm, she sat on the couch staring blankly out the window. Did people really think that she was liking that sort of attention? She scoffed to herself. Of course, they did. She herself didn't even like the outfit and thought it was too much. The public had already made it clear she looked like a hooker and today's comments she heard only confirmed it.

"Penny for your thoughts?" San asked, sitting next to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder and she sighed, sinking into him. "Maybe tomorrow and I'll tell you for free," she teased half-heartedly, and San chuckled lightly. "Anything I can do right now to help?"

She shook her head. "Just hold me," she murmured. All she wanted right now was to feel loved for her and not her body. To have the reassurance that her family weren't thinking the same terrible things others seemed to be thinking of her. "Gladly," San muttered into her neck as he kissed the skin on her collarbone. Nari relished in the comfort she felt at the moment, wanting to stay there forever. Or at least until this all blew over.

"Hey," San said quietly after a few minutes of silence. Nari hummed in response, to drained mentally and physically to open her eyes anymore. "You know we all love you and support you. Just tell us who to beat up and we will." She laughed at that, patting his arm around her waist. "You make it sound like you're all a gang."

"Something like that," San joked back and Nari laughed.

"I promise I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. I just want to sleep and be comfy right now." San chuckled, standing up and scooping her up in his arms. "I shall carry us to bed then." It was much comfier than the couch. Yunho looked at the two as they entered the room and as San dropped them both onto his bed. "Should I put headphones in tonight?" He asked. He was mostly teasing, but he truly needed to know. He didn't want to hear. . .things.

Nari flipped him off, eyes still closed. "Maybe tomorrow night."

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